Vastu Shastra

Keeping your home organized and clutter-free is important in Vastu Shastra. Avoid stacking things in corners, as this can create negative energy.Originating in ancient India, Vastu Shastra is a traditional Hindu system of architecture based on ancient texts that describe principles of design, layout.For a house to become a home, it needs to radiate the right kind of energy. According to a number of traditional beliefs, each home comes with its own energy type.Book Astrologers.


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Vastu Tips for Office

- Improve Office Growth and Positivity



Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, offers valuable guidelines to create a harmonious and positive work environment in your office. By applying Vastu principles, you can enhance productivity, foster growth, and eliminate obstacles in your professional life. This article provides comprehensive Vastu tips for office that cover various aspects such as office layout, furniture placement, and the use of plants. Whether you have a small office, a home office, or a corner office, these tips will help you create a Vastu-compliant workspace.Order Vedic Reports

Vastu for Office Problems

Office problems such as lack of growth, conflicts, and financial instability can often be attributed to Vastu dosha (imbalances) in the office. To resolve these issues, it is essential to identify and correct the Vastu doshas. For example, a cluttered office or improper placement of office furniture can create negative energy, leading to various problems. Vastu remedies can be applied to balance the energy and bring about positive changes in the work environment.

Vastu for Office Growth

Growth and success in business are often linked to the energy flow within the office. By following Vastu principles, you can create an environment that supports business growth. The direction of the office entrance, the placement of the owner’s desk, and the location of important files and documents all play a significant role in influencing growth. Ensuring that the entrance faces the north or northeast direction, for instance, is believed to bring prosperity and opportunities.Download:Jyotishgher Android App for free dashboard

Vastu for Office Positivity

Positivity in the office can be achieved by maintaining cleanliness, ensuring proper lighting, and using the right colors and decor. Vastu recommends the use of natural light, fresh air, and calming colors like light blue or green to create a positive atmosphere. Additionally, placing a water fountain or aquarium in the northeast direction can enhance positivity and bring a sense of tranquility to the office.

Vastu for Office Direction

The direction in which you place your office and various elements within it can significantly impact your success. According to Vastu, the best direction for the office entrance is north, northeast, or east. The owner or CEO should sit facing north or east, while employees can face north or east as well. Avoid placing desks or furniture directly in line with the entrance, as this can obstruct the flow of positive energy.

Vastu for Office Furniture

Furniture placement is crucial in Vastu. The desk of the owner or manager should be placed in the southwest corner of the office, facing north or east. Employees should sit in a manner where their desks do not face the entrance directly. Use rectangular or square-shaped desks for stability, and avoid using circular or oval-shaped desks, which can cause confusion and instability.

Vastu for Office Plants

Plants can bring a refreshing touch to your office, but it’s important to choose the right ones according to Vastu. Lucky bamboo, money plants, and jade plants are considered auspicious and can be placed in the southeast corner of the office to attract wealth and prosperity. Avoid thorny plants like cactus, as they can bring negative energy and create conflicts.

How to Apply Vastu in Office

Applying Vastu in the office involves carefully planning the layout, choosing the right colors, and placing furniture and decor items in alignment with Vastu principles. Begin by identifying the Vastu doshas in your office and applying remedies such as rearranging furniture or adding Vastu-friendly elements like water features or plants. Regular maintenance and decluttering are also essential to keep the positive energy flowing.

Importance of Vastu for Office

Vastu is essential for creating a balanced and harmonious work environment. It helps in aligning the energies of the office with the natural forces, ensuring that the workspace is conducive to growth, productivity, and success. A Vastu-compliant office can reduce stress, enhance concentration, and foster a positive work culture.

Vastu Tips for Small Office

For small offices, it’s important to make the most of the available space while ensuring it is Vastu-compliant. Use light colors to create an illusion of space, and keep the office well-lit and clutter-free. Place important documents and financial records in the north or northeast direction, and ensure that the owner’s desk is placed in the southwest corner facing north or east.

Vastu Tips for Home Office

If you work from home, applying Vastu principles can help you create a productive and peaceful workspace. Choose a room in the north or northeast part of your home for your office. Keep your desk organized, with your computer or laptop facing north or east. Avoid working in bedrooms or near kitchens, as these areas can distract you and affect your productivity.Download:Jyotishgher Android App for free dashboard

Vastu Tips for Corner Office

Corner offices often come with more space and natural light, making them desirable workspaces. To make a corner office Vastu-compliant, place the owner’s desk in the southwest corner, facing north or east. Use light colors on the walls and keep the office free from clutter. Placing a mirror on the north or east wall can also help enhance the flow of positive energy.

Vastu Tips for Office Reception

The reception area is the first point of contact for visitors and should be designed to create a positive impression. According to Vastu, the reception should be located in the northeast or east direction. The receptionist should face either north or east while attending to visitors. Place a water fountain or an aquarium in the reception area to attract positive energy.

Vastu Tips for Office Cabin

Office cabins, especially those of senior executives, should be designed according to Vastu to ensure that they are conducive to decision-making and leadership. The cabin should be in the southwest corner of the office, with the desk placed facing north or east. Avoid placing the desk directly in front of the door, as this can obstruct energy flow.

Vastu Colors for Office

Colors play a vital role in Vastu, as they influence the mood and energy of the space. For offices, light and neutral colors like white, cream, or pastel shades are recommended. These colors promote calmness and focus. Avoid dark or bright colors like red or black, as they can create stress and negativity. Use colors like green or light blue to promote a soothing and productive environment.

Know This Vastu Shastra🪶🪶

Points of attention for office Vastu:

  • The direction of the office entrance way
  • The direction and setup of the owner’s room
  • The direction for the employees to work
  • The direction and placement of stairs
  • The direction and placement of the seminar and conference room
  • The colour combination of the office walls
  • The direction of the entrance

Significance: 🪶🪶

Tips for the office Vastu:

  • Office should be east-facing.
  • Avoid irregular shapes of the plot. Square or rectangle is best suited for office structure.
  • North or east sides are preferred for executive and other staff.
  • Water purifiers or other water bodies can be placed in the North-East direction.
  • The owner of the business organization should face north while dealing with clients.
  • Staircase direction should be in South, South-west, or West. Avoid stairs in the center or Brahmsthan of the office.
  • Toilets should be built in the West or North-west side. Pantry should be constructed in the South-east.
  • Reception should be in the North-East.
  • Avoid sitting employees under the beam.
  • Waiting room might be in North-West or in the North-East.
  • Colours in the office should not be bright.
  • It is good to place a rectangular desk for the CEO or MD.
  • Marketing department in the direction of northwest is considered good.
  • Stairs should be in a clockwise direction.
  • Avoid water bodies in front of any entrance door.
  • The sloping of floors should be towards East, North, or North-East.
  • Rooms should be placed near gates.
  • Staff canteen can be in the South-East.
  • Staff should work by facing the north or east direction.
  • The accounts department should be located in the southeast direction.
  • The monitor of your computer should be on the right side.
  • A boring or tube well in the south is very harmful to finance and should be avoided at any cost.
  • The central part of the office should be kept empty.
  • The purchase department should be in the south or west.
  • Keep the sales file in the northwest shelf on the wall and the Credit purchase file in the northwest corner shelf.
  • Put the finished goods file in the northwest corner shelf. The cashier should be in the north.

Tips for Office 🪶🪶

  • The office should be located in the east or north-east direction of the building. These directions are associated with knowledge and success.
  • The desk should be placed in the north-east corner of the office. This will help promote concentration and focus.
  • The chair should be placed in such a way that the occupant faces the east or north-east direction. This will help improve decision-making abilities.
  • Avoid placing the desk under a beam or in front of a door. This can create negative energy and disrupt work.
  • The office should be well-lit and ventilated. This will help keep the energy in the room positive and flowing.
  • The walls of the office should be painted in light colors, such as blue, green, or pink. These colors are calming and promote productivity.
  • The office should be free of clutter. Clutter can create a sense of chaos and stress, making it difficult to work.
  • The office should be a place of peace and productivity. Avoid watching TV or using electronic devices in the office, as this can interfere with work.

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  • Use natural materials in the office, such as wood, stone, and cotton. These materials promote a sense of calm and well-being.
  • Place plants in the office. Plants help purify the air and create more positive energy in the room.
  • Keep the office door closed when not in use. This will help keep the negative energy out.
  • Use soft lighting in the office. Harsh lighting can be stimulating and make it difficult to work.
  • Burn incense or essential oils in the office. These can help create a relaxing and calming atmosphere.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the best direction for an office entrance according to Vastu?

A1: The best directions for an office entrance are north, northeast, or east, as these directions are associated with prosperity and positive energy.

Q2: Can Vastu help in resolving conflicts in the office?

A2: Yes, Vastu can help in resolving conflicts by correcting imbalances in the office layout, such as improper furniture placement or cluttered spaces, which can create negative energy.

Q3: What plants are suitable for an office according to Vastu?

A3: Lucky bamboo, money plants, and jade plants are considered auspicious for offices. These plants should be placed in the southeast direction to attract wealth and positivity.

Q4: How can I apply Vastu in a small office?

A4: In a small office, focus on keeping the space well-lit and clutter-free. Place the owner’s desk in the southwest corner, facing north or east, and use light colors to create an illusion of space.

Q5: Why is Vastu important for an office?

A5: Vastu is important for an office as it helps in aligning the energies of the workspace with natural forces, promoting growth, productivity, and a positive work environment.

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