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Hanuman Stotram
Hanuman was born in Kishkinda (Today’s northern part of Karnataka). His mother is Anjana Devi and father name is Kesari. He is an avatar of Lord Sri Vayu Deva. In Hanuman avatar, he served Bhagavan Lord Sri Rama.Similarly in Bhima (He is also an avatar of Lord Sri Vayu Deva) avatar, he served Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna. Also in Kaliyuga, Lord Sri Vayu Deva took birth as Sri Madhwacharya Ji and still serving Bhagavan Lord (Sage) Sri Vedavyasa Ji in Badrikashrama (Today’s deeper Badrinath).Lord Sri Hanuman is also still living and is physically present on this earth and is staying in a place called ‘Kimpurusha Khandha’ and even today he is serving Bhagavan Lord Sri Rama.
How to Recite Hanuman Stotram
To recite Hanuman Stotram effectively, follow these steps:
- Find a Quiet Place: Choose a calm and quiet environment free from distractions.
- Cleanse Yourself: Take a bath or wash your hands and feet before recitation.
- Use a Prayer Mat: Sit on a clean mat or cloth facing the north direction.
- Focus on Hanuman: Light a lamp or incense and focus your mind on Hanuman.
- Recite with Devotion: Chant the Hanuman Stotram with sincerity and devotion.
Hanuman Stotra-हनुमान स्तोत्र

Who has to recite this Vibhishan Krit Hanuman Stotra The persons surrounded by evil things and unable to have progress in life must recite Vibhishan Krit Hanuman Stotra as per the Vedic Rules. For a proper guideline please contact
Vibhishan Krit Hanuman Stotra/विभीषण कृत हनुमान स्तोत्र नमो हनुमते तुभ्यं नमो मारुतसूनवे नमः श्रीराम भक्ताय शयामास्याय च ते नमः।। नमो वानर वीराय सुग्रीवसख्यकारिणे लङ्काविदाहनार्थाय हेलासागरतारिणे।। सीताशोक विनाशाय राममुद्राधराय च रावणान्त कुलचछेदकारिणे ते नमो नमः।। मेघनादमखध्वंसकारिणे ते नमो नमः अशोकवनविध्वंस कारिणे भयहारिणे।। वायुपुत्राय वीराय आकाशोदरगामिने वनपालशिरश् छेद लङ्काप्रसादभजिने।। ज्वलत्कनकवर्णाय दीर्घलाङ्गूलधारिणे सौमित्रिजयदात्रे च रामदूताय ते नमः।। अक्षस्य वधकर्त्रे च ब्रह्म पाश निवारिणे लक्ष्मणाङग्महाशक्ति घात क्षतविनाशिने।। रक्षोघ्नाय रिपुघ्नाय भूतघ्नाय च ते नमः ऋक्षवानरवीरौघप्राणदाय नमो नमः।। परसैन्यबलघ्नाय शस्त्रास्त्रघ्नाय ते नमः विषघ्नाय द्विषघ्नाय ज्वरघ्नाय च ते नमः।। महाभयरिपुघ्नाय भक्तत्राणैककारिणे परप्रेरितमन्त्रणाम् यन्त्रणाम् स्तम्भकारिणे।। पयःपाषाणतरणकारणाय नमो नमः बालार्कमण्डलग्रासकारिणे भवतारिणे।। नखायुधाय भीमाय दन्तायुधधराय च रिपुमायाविनाशाय रामाज्ञालोकरक्षिणे।। प्रतिग्राम स्तिथतायाथ रक्षोभूतवधार्थीने करालशैलशस्त्राय दुर्मशस्त्राय ते नमः।। बालैकब्रह्मचर्याय रुद्रमूर्ति धराय च विहंगमाय सर्वाय वज्रदेहाय ते नमः।। कौपीनवासये तुभ्यं रामभक्तिरताय च दक्षिणाशभास्कराय शतचन्द्रोदयात्मने।। कृत्याक्षतव्यधाघ्नाय सर्वकळेशहराय च स्वाभ्याज्ञापार्थसंग्राम संख्ये संजयधारिणे।। भक्तान्तदिव्यवादेषु संग्रामे जयदायिने किलकिलाबुबुकोच्चारघोर शब्दकराय च।। सर्पागि्नव्याधिसंस्तम्भकारिणे वनचारिणे सदा वनफलाहार संतृप्ताय विशेषतः।। महार्णव शिलाबद्धसेतुबन्धाय ते नमः वादे विवादे संग्रामे भये घोरे महावने।। सिंहव्याघ्रादिचौरेभ्यः स्तोत्र पाठाद भयं न हि दिव्ये भूतभये व्याघौ विषे स्थावरजङ्गमे।। राजशस्त्रभये चोग्रे तथा ग्रहभयेषु च जले सर्पे महावृष्टौ दुर्भिक्षे प्राणसम्प्लवे।। पठेत् स्तोत्रं प्रमुच्येत भयेभ्यः सर्वतो नरः तस्य क्वापि भयं नास्ति हनुमत्स्तवपाठतः।। सर्वदा वै त्रिकालं च पठनीयमिदं स्तवं सर्वान् कामानवाप्नोति नात्र कार्या विचारणा।। विभीषण कृतं स्तोत्रं ताक्ष्येर्ण समुदीरितम् ये पठिष्यन्ति भक्तया वै सिद्धयस्तत्करे सि्थताः।।
Benefits of reciting Vibhishan Krit Hanuman Stotra Vibhishan Krit Hanuman Stotra made by Vibhishan is dedicated to Lord Hanuman ji. This psalm is very beneficial in eradicating all kinds of obstacles, fears, ghosts, ghosts, obstacles, anger, enemy obstacles, disease and evil civilization, by reciting Vibhishan Krit Hanuman Stotra regularly. Vibhishan Krit Hanuman Stotra works in many experiments, in the prevention of all the diseases, prevention of enemy, pain management, prevention of rituals, release of royalty, etc.
Best Time and Day to Recite Hanuman Strotam
The best time to recite the Hanuman Strotam is early in the morning, during Brahma Muhurta (around 4:00 AM to 6:00 AM). However, it can also be recited in the evening after sunset.
Day to Recite: Tuesdays and Saturdays are considered highly auspicious for chanting the Hanuman Strotam. These days are dedicated to Lord Hanuman, and reciting the Strotam on these days amplifies its benefits.
Number of Times to Recite
It is recommended to recite the Rahu Stotram 108 times for maximum benefits. This can be done using a mala (prayer beads) to keep track of the recitations. If 108 times is not feasible, recite it as many times as possible with genuine devotion.
Benefits of Reciting Hanuman Strotam
- Protection: The Hanuman Strotam is known to protect the reciter from negative influences, black magic, and evil spirits.
- Courage and Strength: Reciting this Strotam regularly invokes the courage and strength of Lord Hanuman, helping you face challenges with confidence.
- Mental Peace: It helps in calming the mind and relieving stress, leading to mental peace and clarity.
- Health and Well-being: Regular chanting is believed to improve physical health and overall well-being.
- Success and Prosperity: Hanuman Strotam is also known to bring success in endeavors and financial prosperity.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the astrological benefits of Hanuman Strotam?
Reciting the Hanuman Strotam helps mitigate the negative effects of Mars (Mangal) in one’s horoscope. It is especially beneficial for those facing obstacles due to a weak Mars or Mangal Dosh in their birth chart.
2. Can I recite Hanuman Strotam at home?
Yes, you can recite Hanuman Strotam at home. Ensure you do it with a pure heart and in a clean, peaceful environment. Lighting a diya (lamp) before starting can enhance the spiritual atmosphere.
3. How many times should I recite Hanuman Strotam?
It is recommended to recite Hanuman Strotam at least three times a day for maximum benefits. However, even a single recitation with devotion can bring positive results.