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Shukra Stotram
Shukra-Stotam is a powerful devotional hymn dedicated to Shukra (Venus), one of the key planets in Vedic astrology. Shukra is associated with luxury, beauty, and wealth. Reciting the Shukra-Stotam can help invoke the blessings of Shukra and enhance various aspects of one's life, including career, relationships, and financial stability.Shukra or Venus is the second planet from the sun next to Mercury. Since it is near to Sun, it is one of the hottest planets of the solar system. In astrology, Venus rules the zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra. The sign of debilitation of Venus is Virgo and the sign of exaltation of Venus is Pisces. Astrology equates this planet with Shukra or Shukracharya, the preceptor of the demons. Therefore, some of the characteristics of Venus or Shukra are luxury and materialistic comforts.
How to Recite Shukra-Stotam
To recite Shukra-Stotam effectively, follow these steps:
- Choose a Clean Space: Find a quiet and clean space where you can concentrate without distractions.
- Set an Altar: Place a picture or idol of Venus (Shukra) on an altar or sacred space.
- Use a Rosary: You can use a Rudraksha or any other rosary beads while reciting the stotam.
- Focus Your Mind: Before beginning, calm your mind and focus on the deity.
- Recite Clearly: Chant the stotam clearly and with devotion.
Shukra Stotra-शुक्र स्तोत्र

Who has to chant Shukra Stotra The person who is not satisfied with his marital life and having unnecessary disturbances in family love must chant Shukra Stotra regularly. For a proper guideline please contact
Shukra Stotra/शुक्र स्तोत्र नमस्ते भार्गवश्रेष्ठ देव दानवपूजित। वृष्टिरोधप्रकर्त्रे च वृष्टिकर्त्रे नमोनम: ।।1।। देवयानीपितस्तुभ्यंवेदवेदाडगपारग:। परेण तपसा शुद्धशडकरोलोकशडकरम ।।2।। प्राप्तोविद्यां जीवनख्यां तस्मै शुक्रात्मने नम:। नमस्तस्मै भगवते भृगुपुत्रायवेधसे ।।3।। तारामण्डलमध्यस्थ स्वभासा भासिताम्बर। यस्योदये जगत्सर्वमङ्गलार्ह भवेदिह ।।4।। अस्तं यातेहरिष्टंस्यात्तस्मैमंगलरुपिणे। त्रिपुरावासिनो देत्यान शिवबाणप्रपीडितान् ।।5।। विद्या जीवयच्छुको नमस्ते भृगुनन्दन। ययातिगुरवे तुभ्यं नमस्ते कविनन्दन ।।6।। वलिराज्यप्रदोजीवस्तस्मै जीवात्मने नम:। भार्गवाय नम: तुभ्यं पूर्व गौर्वाणवन्दित ।।7।। जीवपुत्राय यो विद्यां प्रादात्तस्मै नमोनम:। नम: शुक्राय काव्याय भृगुपुत्राय धीमहि ।।8।। नम: कारणरूपाय नमस्ते कारणात्मने। स्तवराजमिदं पुण्यं भार्गवस्य महात्मन: ।।9।। य: पठेच्छ्रणुयाद्वापि लभतेवास्छितं फलम्। पुत्रकामो लभेत्पुत्रान श्रीकामो लभेत श्रियम् ।।10।। राज्यकामो लभेद्राज्यं स्त्रीकाम: स्त्रियमुत्तमाम्। भृगुवारे प्रयत्नेन पठितव्यं समाहिते ।।11।। अन्यवारे तु होरायां पूजयेदभृगुनन्दनम्। रोगार्तो मुच्यते रोगाद्रयार्तो मुच्यते भयात् ।।12।। यद्यात्प्रार्थयते वस्तु तत्तत्प्राप्नोति सर्वदा। प्रात: काले प्रकर्तव्या भृगुपूजा प्रयत्नत: ।।13।। सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्त प्राप्नुयाच्छिवसन्निधौ ।।14।।
Benefits of Shukra Stotra Regular chanting of Shukra Stotra gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous. Shukra Stotra give Perfect health and longevity. Excellence in the fields of music and arts. Getting an attractive personality and becoming popular in the society. Overcoming laziness, being active and developing the creative potentials. Shukra Stotra give Beauty and elegance in women. Getting the right marital alliances. Removing the hurdles in getting married. For getting children. Succeeding in business and building wealth and comforts. Alleviating the malefic effects of the unfavourable position of Shukra in the horoscope.
Day to Recite
The best days to recite Shukra-Stotam are Fridays, as it is dedicated to Venus. However, it can be recited any day of the week for its benefits.
Number of Times to Recite
It is recommended to recite Shukra-Stotam 108 times in a single session. If you cannot complete 108 recitations, you can start with a smaller number, such as 11 or 21 times, and gradually increase.
Benefits of Shukra-Stotam
- Enhances Financial Prosperity: Shukra-Stotam helps attract wealth and improve financial conditions.
- Improves Relationships: It can enhance personal and professional relationships by fostering harmony and understanding.
- Increases Beauty and Attraction: The hymn can enhance one's personal charm and physical beauty.
- Boosts Career Growth: Reciting the stotam can help in career advancement and achieving professional goals.
- Promotes Mental Peace: It brings mental calmness and reduces stress and anxiety.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can Shukra-Stotam be recited by anyone?
- Yes, Shukra-Stotam can be recited by anyone who wishes to seek the blessings of Venus, regardless of their astrological sign or background.
- Are there any specific rituals to follow while reciting the stotam?
- While there are no strict rituals, it is recommended to maintain a clean environment and approach the recitation with sincerity and devotion.
- Can Shukra-Stotam be recited during other planetary periods?
- Yes, it can be recited during any planetary period to seek its benefits. However, Fridays are considered most auspicious for Venus-related prayers.