Ashadha nakshatra is the 20thof the 27 nakshatras. This is also known as jal nakshatra for the characteristics that it depicts. The ruling planet for this nakshatra is the Venus and thus the natives born under this nakshatra have a prominent influence of the planet in their lives and characteristics.

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Summary

Nakshatra Lord🛕 Ruling deity🛕 Position Of Nakshatra✨ Symbol🛕️
Venus or Shukra Apah or Apas, the water. 13°20' - 26°40' in Sagittarius zodiac sign. A Hand fan or a Winnowing basket ?
Nakshatra Translation🪔 Astronomical Star Name🪔 Gender🪔 Nadi🪔
Former Victor δ Sagittarii or Delta Sagittarii Female Pitta or Bile
Nakshatra Qualities🕉 Nature🕉 Element🕉 Caste🕉
Rajas Fierce or Severe (Ugra) Air Kshatriya
Nakshatra Gana🫖 Yoni🫖 Temple Associated🫖 Download App(Book Consultation)🫖
Manushya Male Monkey (Vanar Yoni) Kaduveli Graceful Aakaasapureeswarar Temple Play Store

Introduction to Purva Ashadha Nakshatra

Purva Ashada is a constellation which resembles a person with a great personality. It spans across 13:20 – 26:40 degrees in Sagittarius. This feature stands out above all. These people speak with conviction and persuasion and are extremely good debaters who will beat you with logic and reasoning. To double that up, they have attractive physical features that get attention. They are tall, slim, have bright eyes, a charming smile and long hands which they use to express themselves while speaking.

Mula Nakshatra in Astrology - Symbolism and Significance

Best Career
poets teachers travel industry foreign traders shipping industry navy officer marine experts fishing industry hypnotists psychic. raw material industry professions related to water and liquids refineries war strategists costume designers hair stylists flying profession herbalists.

What are the strengths of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra, symbolized by the tusk of an elephant, represents strength, enthusiasm, and resilience. Individuals born under this nakshatra are known for their determination, leadership qualities, and ability to overcome obstacles with persistence. They are often admired for their confidence and charisma.
What are the weaknesses of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
The weaknesses associated with Purva Ashadha Nakshatra include stubbornness, impatience, and a tendency towards excessive pride. Individuals may struggle with temperamental issues and can sometimes be perceived as overbearing or dominating in their interactions with others.
What are the features of males born under Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
Males born under Purva Ashadha Nakshatra are often characterized by their strong physical presence, commanding voice, and a natural inclination towards leadership roles. They are generally robust, confident, and possess a magnetic personality that draws people towards them.

Some Interesting Facts About Purva Nakshatra

  Translation   The Invincible one
  Symbol   Elephant tusk, fan, winnowing basket
  Animal Symbol   A male monkey
  Presiding Deity   Apas, the cosmic waters
  Controlling/Ruling Planet   Venus
  Ruling Deity of the Planet   Lakshmi
  The 4 Quarters of Purva AshadaNakshatra  
  1st quarter   Ruled by Sun
  2nd quarter   Ruled by Mercury
  3rd quarter   Ruled by Venus
  4th quarter   Ruled by Mars
  Nature   Manushya (human)
  Mode   Balanced
  Number   20
  Gender   Female
  Dosha   Pitta
  Guna   Rajasic
  Element   Air
  Disposition   Fierce and severe
  Bird   Francolin
  Common Name of the Tree   Netar
  Botanical Name of the Tree   Calamus rotang
  Seed Sounds   Bu, Da, Bha, Dha.
What are the features of females born under Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
Females born under this nakshatra are typically graceful, ambitious, and possess a strong sense of purpose. They are known for their charm, intelligence, and ability to manage multiple responsibilities with ease. Their resilience and determination make them successful in various aspects of life.
What is the married life like for those born under Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
Individuals with Purva Ashadha Nakshatra generally experience a fulfilling married life. They are devoted partners who seek harmony and mutual respect in their relationships. However, their strong will and high expectations might lead to conflicts if not managed well.
What is the career life like for those born under Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
Careers in leadership, management, or any field that requires strategic thinking and perseverance are ideal for individuals born under Purva Ashadha Nakshatra. They thrive in roles that allow them to showcase their skills and take charge of situations.
What is the best and worst compatibility for Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
The best compatibility for Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is generally with nakshatras that complement their strong-willed nature, such as Uttara Ashadha and Shravana. Conversely, they might face challenges in relationships with nakshatras that conflict with their assertive and dominant traits.
What are the characteristics of all padas of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
- **Pada 1:** Focused on personal achievements and financial stability. - **Pada 2:** Emphasizes relationships and social status. - **Pada 3:** Driven by intellectual pursuits and spiritual growth. - **Pada 4:** Concerned with material comfort and emotional satisfaction.
What is the health and well-being of individuals born under Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
Individuals born under this nakshatra are generally robust and energetic. However, they should be mindful of stress-related issues due to their high levels of activity and ambition. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle and regular health check-ups are recommended.
What are the professions and related areas suitable for Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
Suitable professions include those in leadership, politics, business, and any field requiring strategic planning and execution. They excel in roles that involve guiding others and taking decisive actions.
What is the Vedic mantra associated with Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
The Vedic mantra for Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is:
"Om Shreem Hreem Laxmi Ganapataye Namaha". This mantra is believed to enhance the positive attributes of this nakshatra and provide blessings for success and prosperity.
What are the behavioral characteristics of individuals born under Purva Ashadha Nakshatra?
They are typically courageous, ambitious, and driven by a strong desire to achieve their goals. Their behavior often reflects a blend of confidence and assertiveness, combined with a deep sense of commitment to their pursuits.

Key Purva Ashada Traits

This nakshatra is also known as ‘Early Invincible One’ which means who cannot be defeated right from the beginning until the end.

Elephant tusk as a symbol of Purva Ashada Nakshatra signifies strength and financial gains. It also symbolizes removal of obstacles and people born in this Nakshatra enjoy a good amount of wealth and luxury in their life. A handheld fan symbolizes fanning a fire, which indicates keeping passions alive or to keeping things going. It is also a symbol of luxury as it is used as a decorative item in some cultures. A winnowing basket signifies shedding or removing the unnecessary and people born in this Nakshatra have the ability to discern and prioritize things in life.

  • Those with Purva Ashada as their Ascendent look nice, to put it simply. They are tall, slim, have long arms, white teeth and bright eyes. Their attractiveness multiplies by not just how they look but also what comes out of their mouths. They speak with great persuasion which increases their attractiveness quotient.
  • Purva Ashada are intelligent, good at debates, can defeat you with their logic and oratory skills, and have strong personas which make heads turn in a crowd of millions.
  • They have an adventurous and exploratory spirit which expands their mind by exploring various subjects, societies and places.
  • They are not easily affected by adverse life situations and deal with it themselves with poise. A second person might not know if they’re in the middle of a personal havoc or process of breakthrough.
  • They are fearless and disruptive about their goals, mostly materialistic, which they go after at a lightning-fast speed.

Career & Professional Affinity

  • Sales, Marketing, Public Relations are the fields which suit them best given their expertise in speech and convincing powers along with great looks.
  • The first choice for Purva Ashada is to become a Doctor. But they are also suitable for other professions since they are naturally academically inclined and generally well-educated.
  • The ladies of this nakshatra possess good education and are seen to pursue a profession in teaching or banking.

Family & Finance

  • Purva Ashada are blessed with a happy married life, especially the females of this nakshatra who pursue and choose healthy relationships for themselves and have great emotional compatibility with their partner. Their love grows with time. However, children might create some issues vis-a-vis adjustments.
  • Men in this nakshatra have a good conjugal life as well and they are more inclined towards their in-laws than their own parents. The man might have some on and off tiffs with his wife, but it gets easily resolved.
  • Financially sound, this nakshatra doesn’t have many issues with wealth as they are generally great in their field, with a stable and sound income. Both men and women of this nakshatra are financially well-off. The men do not get many benefits from family or inheritances, he gets his stability from his own efforts.

Important Years for Purva Ashada

The most important years for Purva Ashada are 32 to 50 years of age, before which their finances and career are slightly unstable; but during this time they experience maximum growth and reap the benefits of their hard work. These years also shape their career extra-ordinarily well.

The Ruling Planet of Purva Ashada Nakshatra (Graha Devta): Venus

The Ruling Planet for Purva Ashada Nakshatra is Venus which makes people of this Nakshatra polite, wealthy, easy-going and joyful. They are highly philosophical and inclined towards charity. If Venus is prominently placed in the birth chart, the person of this Nakshatra shall be highly fond of luxury and the finer things of life.

Energy Source of Purva Ashada Nakshatra (Adhi Devta): Apah

The Adhi Devta of Purva Ashada Nakshatra is Apah. Apah is the wife of Varuna, the Sea God. People born in this Nakshatra are beautiful, mysterious and freedom loving. They possess eloquent speech, good oratory skills and have an enduring nature. They have good skills in classical music and are usually successful in careers related to music and singing.

Gender for Purva Ashada: Female

The gender of Purva Ashada Nakshatra is female, and people of this Nakshatra are very pure hearted and truthful and like to take care of others. They are compassionate, patient and faithful in relationships. They are highly imaginative and gain success due to their creativity.

Ayurveda or Medicinal Traits of Purva Ashada: Pitta

Dosha represents which type of disease will affect the people born in a Nakshatra. Purva Ashada Nakshatra is dominated by Pitta. Pitta represents the metabolism in the body and is responsible for transformation of food and water into energy through digestion. The people of this Nakshatra might be obstinate, argumentative and not very open to advice.

Natural Instinct of Purva Ashada

Purva Ashada belongs to Vanar Yoni or the female monkey. They are different from all others. Frolicking around and sometimes too curious. Their partner needs to appease them to get involved sexually. Gifts, romantic gestures, flattery – they want it all, else they don’t get involved easily. Sex is pleasurable for not just them but their partner as well, and it is short-spanned but generally has a ‘happy ending’. In generic terms, people belonging to this yoni are mischievous, but their philosophical side comes out in latter stages of life.

Broad Instinct of Purva Ashada

In Indian philosophy, there are three Gunas, known as - Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. These are known as the three processes that build a successful life. The Guna of Purva Ashada Nakshatra is Rajas which makes them inclined towards art, beauty and fashion. However, at times, they might be proud, overindulgent and pompous.

Broad Nature of Purva Ashada

There are three Gana or basic instinct type that a person belongs to which frame out outlook, reactions and attitude towards life. These are Dev Gana, Manushya Gana and Rakshasa Gana.

Purva Ashada belongs to the Manushya Gana. They are characterized by neither being diplomatic as Dev Gana, nor being perceptive as Rakshasa Gana. They are of moderate behavior such as driven by impulses, energetic, work-oriented and with normal human biases and tendencies. They take things on face-value.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mula Nakshatra

What is the married life like for Purva Ashadha Nakshatra individuals?
Marriage for Purva Ashadha Nakshatra individuals can be marked by a strong and dynamic partnership. They may experience periods of intense growth and transformation in their marital relationships. Their partners are often supportive of their ambitions and personal development.
What is the career life like for Purva Ashadha Nakshatra individuals?
Career-wise, Purva Ashadha Nakshatra individuals thrive in roles that allow them to showcase their leadership and determination. They may excel in careers involving management, entrepreneurship, and creative fields. Their drive and ability to handle pressure make them successful in high-stakes environments.
What should Purva Ashadha Nakshatra individuals know about health and well-being?
Individuals of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra should be mindful of stress management and maintain a balanced lifestyle. They might be prone to issues related to the digestive system and should incorporate relaxation practices and a healthy diet into their routine.


Generally due to the influence of this nakshatra, the natives, in their lives get both spiritual and material success. But they are a little confused about their decision making and this personality trait appears due to the dual symbol of the nakshatra. They will be in a dichotomy whether to take the spiritual path or the materialistic path in many of the junctures of their lives which is a uncommon personality trait of these natives.

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