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Brihaspati Stotram

Brihaspati Stotram is a powerful hymn dedicated to Brihaspati, the planet Jupiter, who is revered as the teacher of the gods and a symbol of wisdom and knowledge in Vedic astrology. Reciting this stotram can help in gaining wisdom, improving educational achievements, and overcoming obstacles related to Jupiter's position in one's horoscope.

How to Recite Brihaspati Stotram

To recite the Brihaspati Stotram effectively, follow these guidelines:

  • Choose a quiet place where you can concentrate without interruptions.
  • It is beneficial to sit in a clean and sacred space facing the east.
  • Begin by taking a few deep breaths to calm your mind.
  • Recite the stotram clearly and with devotion, ideally after performing a small ritual or lighting a lamp.

Brihaspati-बृहस्पति स्तोत्रम्

Brihaspati-stotam in astrology

Who Has to chant Brihaspati Stotram The persons not getting success in their lives, barred of fortune and leading a disgrace life should chant Brihaspati Stotram for instant relief. For a proper guideline please contact

Brihaspati Stotra/ब्रहस्पति स्तोत्र क्रौं शक्रादि देवै: परिपूजितोसि त्वं जीवभूतो जगतो हिताय। ददाति यो निर्मलशास्त्रबुद्धिं स वाक्पतिर्मे वितनोतु लक्ष्मीम्।।1।। पीताम्बर: पीतवपु: किरीटश्र्वतुर्भजो देव गुरु: प्रशांत:। दधाति दण्डं च कमण्डलुं च तथाक्षसूत्रं वरदोस्तुमहम्।।2।। ब्रहस्पति: सुराचार्योदयावानछुभलक्षण:। लोकत्रयगुरु: श्रीमान्सर्वज्ञ: सर्वतो विभु:।।3।। सर्वेश: सर्वदा तुष्ठ: श्रेयस्क्रत्सर्वपूजित:। अकोधनो मुनिश्रेष्ठो नितिकर्ता महाबल:।।4।। विश्र्वात्मा विश्र्वकर्ता च विश्र्वयोनिरयोनिज:। भूर्भुवो धनदाता च भर्ता जीवो जगत्पति:।।5।। पंचविंशतिनामानि पुण्यानि शुभदानि च। नन्दगोपालपुत्राय भगवत्कीर्तितानि च।।6।। प्रातरुत्थाय यो नित्यं कीर्तयेत्तु समाहितः। विप्रस्तस्यापि भगवान् प्रीत: स च न संशय:।।7।। तंत्रान्तरेपि नम: सुरेन्द्रवन्धाय देवाचार्याय ते नम:। नमस्त्त्वनन्तसामर्थ्य वेदसिद्वान्तपारग।।8।। सदानन्द नमस्तेस्तु नम: पीड़ाहराय च। नमो वाचस्पते तुभ्यं नमस्ते पीतवाससे।।9।। नमोऽद्वितियरूपाय लम्बकूर्चाय ते नम:। नम: प्रहष्टनेत्राय विप्राणां पतये नम:।।10।। नमो भार्गवशिष्याय विपन्नहितकारक। नमस्ते सुरसैन्याय विपन्नत्राणहेतवे।।11।। विषमस्थस्तथा न्रणां सर्वकष्टप्रणाशमन्। प्रत्यहं तु पठेधो वै तस्यकामफलप्रदम्।।12।।

Benefits of chanting Brihaspati Stotram Lord Brihaspati or Jupiter is the preceptor of the gods. He is the biggest planet in the solar system by size and also influence. The influence of this planet in the horoscopes of all people is profound. Chanting the Lord Brihaspati Stotram can help attain the desires of the person and attain happiness and success in every front of life. Chanting the Brihaspati Stotram can alleviate fears and instil confidence in the hearts of the devotees. All confusions are solved and a great clarity of thought is achieved. Peace and prosperity walk into the homes and lives of the person chanting these mantras. Delayed marriages are avoided and the bride or groom gets the best match in their lives. Students can shine in studies by getting good marks and being able to clear the competitive exams with ease. Delays of all sorts are avoided and success comes to people naturally by chanting the chosen Brihaspati Stotram. The auspicious effects of the position of Brihaspati Stotram in horoscope are enhanced and the negative effects of malefic Guru are offset by this chanting. Guru Grah is responsible for luck and fortune. Brihaspati Stotram will help you get fame, wealth and success in studies and profession. Brihaspati Stotram will also give you relief from any skin or nervous problems. Brihaspati Stotram will help you make guru Grah happy. A favourable guru Grah will help you attain happiness, financial well being, good social status, promotions and good health

Day to Recite Brihaspati Stotram

The Brihaspati Stotram is traditionally recited on Thursdays, which are dedicated to Brihaspati (Jupiter). However, it can be recited on any day for specific needs or remedies.

Number of Times to Recite

It is recommended to recite the Brihaspati Stotram 108 times, which is considered a sacred number in Hinduism. However, even reciting it 11, 21, or 27 times can be beneficial based on personal capability and devotion.

Benefits of Brihaspati Stotram

  • Enhances Wisdom: Regular recitation helps in gaining clarity of thought and intellectual growth.
  • Improves Educational Success: It can aid in overcoming obstacles related to education and exams.
  • Strengthens Jupiter's Position: Helps in mitigating negative effects of Jupiter in one's horoscope.
  • Brings Prosperity: Fosters overall well-being and prosperity in personal and professional life.
  • Fosters Spiritual Growth: Assists in spiritual development and deeper understanding of life's purpose.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Brihaspati Stotram?
Brihaspati Stotram is a hymn dedicated to Brihaspati (Jupiter), aiming to invoke his blessings for wisdom, prosperity, and overcoming challenges.
Can Brihaspati Stotram be recited at home?
Yes, Brihaspati Stotram can be recited at home, ideally in a clean and sacred space.
Is there a specific time to recite Brihaspati Stotram?
It is ideally recited on Thursdays, but it can be recited on any day based on personal needs.
How many times should one recite Brihaspati Stotram?
The recommended number is 108 times, though variations are acceptable based on individual practice.
What are the benefits of reciting Brihaspati Stotram?
Benefits include enhanced wisdom, improved educational success, strengthening of Jupiter's position, and overall prosperity and spiritual growth.