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Budh Stotram
Buddh Grah, the planet Mercury, plays a significant role in our birth chart as it influences our life. In puranic Hindu mythology, Buddh is also considered to be a deity. In astrology, the planet Mercury (Buddh Grah) represents logic, agile mind and memory, intelligence, and wit. Mercury has been given the place of prince among all the nine planets. It gives good results when accompanied with benefice planets and bad when with malefic planets.
Significance of Budh Stotram
Budh Stotam is a powerful hymn dedicated to Lord Budh (Mercury) in Vedic astrology. Reciting this stotam can bring numerous benefits, including enhanced intellect, communication skills, and success in education and business.
Benefits of Chanting Mangal Stotram
- Reduces the malefic effects of Mars in the horoscope.
- Improves physical and mental strength.
- Brings success in professional endeavors.
- Enhances relationships and marital harmony.
- Provides protection from accidents and injuries.
Buddh Stotra-बुद्ध स्तोत्र

Who has to chant Buddh Stotra The persons suffering from malefic effects of Buddh, evil effects of system, having less communication skill, or become failure to convince with facts to others must chant Buddh Stotra. For a proper guideline please contact
Buddh Stotra/बुध स्तोत्र पीताम्बर: पीतवपुः किरीटश्र्वतुर्भजो देवदु: खपहर्ता। धर्मस्य धृक् सोमसुत: सदा मे सिंहाधिरुढो वरदो बुधश्र्व ।।1।। प्रियंगुकनकश्यामं रुपेणाप्रतिमं बुधम्। सौम्यं सौम्य गुणोपेतं नमामि शशिनंदनम ।।2।। सोमसूनुर्बुधश्चैव सौम्य: सौम्यगुणान्वित:। सदा शान्त: सदा क्षेमो नमामि शशिनन्दनम् ।।3।। उत्पातरूप: जगतां चन्द्रपुत्रो महाधुति:। सूर्यप्रियकारी विद्वान् पीडां हरतु मे बुध: ।।4।। शिरीष पुष्पसडंकाश: कपिशीलो युवा पुन:। सोमपुत्रो बुधश्र्वैव सदा शान्ति प्रयच्छतु ।।5।। श्याम: शिरालश्र्व कलाविधिज्ञ: कौतूहली कोमलवाग्विलासी । रजोधिकोमध्यमरूपधृक्स्यादाताम्रनेत्रीद्विजराजपुत्र: ।।6।। अहो चन्द्र्सुत श्रीमन् मागधर्मासमुद्रव:। अत्रिगोत्रश्र्वतुर्बाहु: खड्गखेटक धारक: ।।7।। गदाधरो न्रसिंहस्थ: स्वर्णनाभसमन्वित:। केतकीद्रुमपत्राभ इंद्रविष्णुपूजित: ।।8।। ज्ञेयो बुध: पण्डितश्र्व रोहिणेयश्र्व सोमज:। कुमारो राजपुत्रश्र्व शैशेव: शशिनन्दन: ।।9।। गुरुपुत्रश्र्व तारेयो विबुधो बोधनस्तथा। सौम्य: सौम्यगुणोपेतो रत्नदानफलप्रद: ।।10।। एतानि बुध नमामि प्रात: काले पठेन्नर:। बुद्धिर्विव्रद्वितांयाति बुधपीड़ा न जायते ।।11।।
Benefits of Chanting Buddh Stotra Chanting of Buddh Stotra with pure heart will calm down negative effects of planet Buddh, keep evil away from your life and improve health and wealth. It has been observed that chanting Buddh Stotra regularly helps improve intellect, communications skills, and even builds strong relationships. Buddh Stotra also has a positive effect on our health as it helps us maintain blood sugar and pressure levels. Buddh Stotra gives us peace of mind and keeps away the evil. Even students who are worried about their results and lack of concentration can chant the Buddh Stotra as it builds your ability to focus.
What are the Benefits of Reciting Budh Stotam?
Reciting Budh Stotam offers numerous benefits, including:
- Enhanced Communication Skills: Mercury governs speech and communication. Reciting this stotam can help improve your eloquence and effectiveness in communication.
- Improved Intellect and Memory: It sharpens the intellect, making it easier to grasp complex concepts and retain information.
- Success in Education: Students can benefit greatly from this stotam as it aids in better understanding and academic success.
- Business Growth: Businessmen and traders can achieve prosperity and overcome challenges in their ventures.
- Health Benefits: Mercury is associated with the nervous system. Regular recitation can alleviate issues related to nerves and speech disorders.
Additionally, the recitation of Budh Stotam can mitigate the malefic effects of a weak or afflicted Mercury in one's horoscope, bringing balance and harmony in life.
How to Recite Budh Stotam?
Reciting Budh Stotam requires devotion and a serene mindset. Here is a step-by-step guide:
- Wake up early in the morning and take a bath to purify yourself.
- Wear clean clothes and sit in a quiet place, preferably facing east.
- Light a ghee lamp and offer fresh flowers to an image or idol of Lord Budh.
- Chant the Budh Stotam with a focused mind. It's beneficial to use a Tulsi or Rudraksha mala for counting the recitations.
- Maintain a positive attitude and clear thoughts throughout the recitation.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Recite Budh Stotam?
Budh Stotam should be recited with a calm mind and pure intentions. It is best to recite it early in the morning after taking a bath. Sit in a quiet place, preferably facing east, and chant the stotam with devotion.
What is the Best Day to Recite Budh Stotam?
The best day to recite Budh Stotam is Wednesday, as this day is associated with the planet Mercury in Vedic astrology.
How Many Times Should Budh Stotam be Recited?
It is recommended to recite Budh Stotam 11, 21, or 108 times to maximize its benefits. Regular recitation over a period of time can bring significant positive changes.