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Surya Stotram

If you chant the Surya mantra regularly, you shall surely seek the grace of Surya Deva (Sun God). You shall become better and strong in facing the hurdles and obstacles of life. Your endurance shall become better, and you will find it easy to move on the path of spirituality and betterment.

Surya Stotam, also known as the Sun Hymn, is a powerful chant in Hindu astrology dedicated to Surya, the Sun God. It is believed that reciting Surya Stotam can bring numerous benefits, including health, prosperity, and success. The Sun is considered the king of all planets and plays a vital role in Vedic astrology.

Importance of Surya Stotam

  • It strengthens the position of the Sun in one's horoscope.
  • It helps to overcome health issues related to the Sun.
  • It enhances leadership qualities and confidence.
  • It provides relief from obstacles and enhances overall well-being.

Surya Stotra-सूर्य स्तोत्र

tulsi-stotam in astrology

Who has to recite Surya Stotra The persons who are unable to win the battle of business, life and in society must chant Surya Stotra to overcome the adversities.

Surya Stotra/सूर्य स्तोत्र प्रात: स्मरामि खलु तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यंरूपं हि मण्डलमृचोऽथ तनुर्यजूंषी। सामानि यस्य किरणा: प्रभवादिहेतुं ब्रह्माहरात्मकमलक्ष्यचिन्त्यरूपम् ।।1।। प्रातर्नमामि तरणिं तनुवाऽमनोभि ब्रह्मेन्द्रपूर्वकसुरैनतमर्चितं च। वृष्टि प्रमोचन विनिग्रह हेतुभूतं त्रैलोक्य पालनपरंत्रिगुणात्मकं च।।2।। प्रातर्भजामि सवितारमनन्तशक्तिं पापौघशत्रुभयरोगहरं परं चं। तं सर्वलोककनाकात्मककालमूर्ति गोकण्ठबंधन विमोचनमादिदेवम् ।।3।। ॐ चित्रं देवानामुदगादनीकं चक्षुर्मित्रस्य वरुणस्याग्ने:। आप्रा धावाप्रथिवी अन्तरिक्षं सूर्य आत्मा जगतस्तस्थुषश्र्व ।।4।। सूर्यो देवीमुषसं रोचमानां मत्योन योषामभ्येति पश्र्वात्। यत्रा नरो देवयन्तो युगानि वितन्वते प्रति भद्राय भद्रम् ।।5।।

Benefit of Reciting Surya Stotra Attain Success – After reciting Surya Stotra lord Sri Rama killed Ravana and achieved victory. Increases positive energy – As stated in Bhagavata “Tejaskamo Vibhavasum”, people desirous of Tejas-Aura around them, should recite Surya Stotra. Beneficial for Santaan Sukh – by the grace of Lord Surya, Kunti Devi was blessed with Kama and the Monkey Rurajasa with Sugreeva, as sons. Provides happiness and welfare – As stated in Skanda Purana “Dinesam Sukhardham”, one has to pray to Surya God for happiness and welfare. Blesses you with good health – Samba the son of Jambavati could get himself cured of his leprosy by worshipping Lord Surya. Mayurabhatta could make his body a diamond wise and became free from disease. Pleases Lord Sun – Satrajit obtained Syamantaka-mani by worshiping Surya Dev. Dharma Raja obtained Akshaya patra by worsh.

How to Recite Surya Stotam

Reciting Surya Stotam requires devotion and correct pronunciation. Here are some guidelines:

  • Wake up early in the morning during sunrise.
  • Take a bath and wear clean clothes.
  • Face the east direction and chant the stotam with devotion.
  • It is beneficial to offer water to the Sun during recitation.
प्रात: स्मरामि खलु तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यंरूपं हि मण्डलमृचोऽथ तनुर्यजूंषी ।
सामानि यस्य किरणा: प्रभवादिहेतुं ब्रह्माहरात्मकमलक्ष्यचिन्त्यरूपम् ।।1।।
प्रातर्नमामि तरणिं तनुवाऽमनोभि ब्रह्मेन्द्रपूर्वकसुरैनतमर्चितं च।
वृष्टि प्रमोचन विनिग्रह हेतुभूतं त्रैलोक्य पालनपरंत्रिगुणात्मकं च।।2।।
प्रातर्भजामि सवितारमनन्तशक्तिं पापौघशत्रुभयरोगहरं परं चं।
तं सर्वलोककनाकात्मककालमूर्ति गोकण्ठबंधन विमोचनमादिदेवम् ।।3।।
ॐ चित्रं देवानामुदगादनीकं चक्षुर्मित्रस्य वरुणस्याग्ने:।
आप्रा धावाप्रथिवी अन्तरिक्षं सूर्य आत्मा जगतस्तस्थुषश्र्व ।।4।।
सूर्यो देवीमुषसं रोचमानां मत्योन योषामभ्येति पश्र्वात् ।
यत्रा नरो देवयन्तो युगानि वितन्वते प्रति भद्राय भद्रम् ।।5।।

Benefits of Surya Stotram :

  1. Emanating Positivity and Lucidity: Engaging in the recitation of this stotram during the early hours ushers forth an infusion of positive vibrations and an enigmatic mental clarity. The verses intricately depict the resplendent visage of the Sun and its pivotal function as an illuminative fount. This profound illumination has the potential to orchestrate an aura of sanguinity and unclouded cognition, thereby intricately shaping the canvas of the forthcoming day.
  2. Purification, Both Mundane and Ethereal: The stotram eloquently elucidates the Sun’s effulgent rays as sanctifiers of both corporeal and metaphysical realms. The eloquent recital of these verses may potentially engender an all-encompassing sensation of purification, traversing the domains of the physical vessel and the ethereal consciousness. As these verses resonate, they act as an ethereal balm, dissolving impurities and negativities alike.
  3. Sentinel and Conqueror of Adversities: The stotram amplifies the Sun’s resolute mantle as a guardian against adversaries and afflictions. When chanted with unwavering devotion, it has the potential to summon a shield of safeguarding, enabling the traversing of obstacles and the subjugation of challenges with unyielding poise.
  4. Confluence with Celestial Forces: The stotram humbly acknowledges the celestial pantheon’s venerational bond with the Solar deity. Uttering these verses resonates as a sacred invocation, weaving threads that bridge mortal existence with the transcendental realm. Thus, a communion with these divine currents is fostered, nurturing a profound spiritual symbiosis and an encompassing embrace of celestial guidance.
  5. Downpour and Liberation: Within the stotram lies a portrayal of the Sun’s multifaceted role: as a bestower of rain, emancipation, and mastery. When articulated with profound resonance, these verses may potentially amplify the sense of dominion over circumstances, unveiling a profound cognizance of life’s cyclic rhythms. As the words echo, an innate connection to the rhythm of creation and dissolution is established, inducing a realization of the artistry of existence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Surya Stotam originates from ancient Hindu scriptures and is mentioned in various Vedic texts. It is a revered hymn dedicated to Surya, the Sun God.

Yes, anyone can recite Surya Stotam. It is advised to recite it with pure intentions and devotion to receive its benefits.

Reciting Surya Stotam can bring numerous benefits, including improved health, prosperity, confidence, and overall well-being.

It is most beneficial to recite Surya Stotam during sunrise, as it is the time when the Sun's energy is at its peak.