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Mangal Stotram
Mars is an aggressive planet. It is the Lord of Aries and Scorpio signs. Mars is exalted in Capricorn sign and debilitated in Cancer sign. It is friendly with Sun, Moon and Jupiter. It is neutral with Venus, Saturn, and Rahu. Mercury and Ketu are Mars’s enemies. Mars gives auspicious results during the transit of Sun and Mercury. Mars gives inauspicious results during the transit of Sun and Saturn. Mars is weak when it is affected by Rahu.
Significance of Mangal Stotram
In Vedic astrology, Mars is known as Mangal and is associated with strength, courage, and assertiveness. However, an afflicted Mars can cause issues related to aggression, anger, and conflicts. Reciting Mangal Stotram can help balance Mars' energy and alleviate its malefic effects.
Benefits of Chanting Mangal Stotram
- Reduces the malefic effects of Mars in the horoscope.
- Improves physical and mental strength.
- Brings success in professional endeavors.
- Enhances relationships and marital harmony.
- Provides protection from accidents and injuries.
Mangal Stotra-मंगल स्तोत्र

Who has to chant Mangal Stotra The persons who lost the peace of mind for the indifferent situations and stresses due to domestic purposes should chant Mangal Stotra.
Mangal Stotra/मंगल स्तोत्र रक्ताम्बरो रक्तवपु: किरीटी चतुर्मुखो मेघगदी गदाधृक्। धरासुत: शक्तिधरश्र्वशूली सदा मम स्याद्वरद: प्रशान्त: ।।1।। ॐमंगलो भूमिपुत्रश्र्व ऋणहर्ता धनप्रद:। स्थिरात्मज: महाकाय: सर्वकामार्थसाधक: ।।2।। लोहितो लोहिताऽगश्र्व सामगानां कृपाकर:। धरात्मज: कुजो भौमो भूतिदो भूमिनन्दन: ।।3।। अऽगारकोतिबलवानपि यो ग्रहाणंस्वेदोदृवस्त्रिनयनस्य पिनाकपाणे: । आरक्तचन्दनसुशीतलवारिणायोप्यभ्यचितोऽथ विपलां प्रददातिसिद्धिम् ।।4।। भौमो धरात्मज इति प्रथितः प्रथिव्यांदुःखापहो दुरितशोकसमस्तहर्ता। न्रणाम्रणं हरित तान्धनिन: प्रकुर्याध: पूजित: सकलमंगलवासरेषु ।।5।। एकेन हस्तेन गदां विभर्ति त्रिशूलमन्येन ऋजुकमेण। शक्तिं सदान्येन वरंददाति चतुर्भुजो मंगलमादधातु ।।6।। यो मंगलमादधाति मध्यग्रहो यच्छति वांछितार्थम्। धर्मार्थकामादिसुखं प्रभुत्वं कलत्र पुत्रैर्न कदा वियोग: ।।7।। कनकमयशरीरतेजसा दुर्निरीक्ष्यो हुतवह समकान्तिर्मालवे लब्धजन्मा। अवनिजतनमेषु श्रूयते य: पुराणो दिशतु मम विभूतिं भूमिज: सप्रभाव: ।।8।।
Benefits of Mangal Stotra Regular recitation of Mangal Stotra gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous. This powerful and potent Mangal Stotra has the power to fulfill all the wishes in life. Mangal Stotra removes any kind of debt and aligns you with the positive vibrations of lord Mars. Mars’ characteristics include determination, discrimination and will power. Although the Sun is the source of universal power, He is the executive branch acting on behalf of that power, which is why he is the bearer of welfare.
How to Chant Mangal Stotram
Mangal Stotram should be chanted with a clear mind and pure heart. It is best to chant it on Tuesdays, which is the day associated with Mars. You can also chant it during the Mars hora for enhanced benefits. Make sure to sit in a clean and quiet place, preferably facing east or north.Red colored Mars or mangal, as referred to in Hindu mythology and astrology is the 4th planet from the sun. The nearest outer planet from the earth, it is also the 7th largest planet in the solar system. Also called the red planet because of its red-orange appearance, its colour is very well fitting of its possessing characteristics. When it comes to the subject of Astrology, planet Mangal has been the most compelling celestial being due to its unbeatable vigour and high dominion upon the horoscope charts of mortal beings.
How to Recite Mangal Mantra
- Do your recitations on a Tuesday for most advantages. Start by taking a bath and wearing fresh and washed clothes.
- Sit yourself in a lotus position and have you Jaapa Mala with you for the chanting of your Mangal Mantra.
- Now chant the Mangal Mantra 108 times which is also one full round of the Jaap Maala.
- You must repeat the above process for at least 11 days. If you are doing the Mantra for a specific reason, ensure to do the Mantra for as long as your wish is granted. Generally it takes at least 21 days for any wish to be granted by Mangal Graha.
- Donating things and doing charity on Tuesdays will help you get a better effect of the Mantra. Donate red things for example copper utensils, red lentils, jaggery and mounds.
- You can also fast on Tuesdays for yielding the maximum benefits of the Mangal Mantra. An appeased Lord Mangal will help you in your life and will remove your hurdles.
Mangal Stotra Benefits:
- Regular recitation of Mangal Stotra gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.
- This powerful and potent Mangal Stotra has the power to fulfill all the wishes in life. Mangal Stotra removes any kind of debt and aligns you with the positive vibrations of lord Mars.
- Mars’ characteristics include determination, discrimination and will power. Although the Sun is the source of universal power, He is the executive branch acting on behalf of that power, which is why he is the bearer of welfare.
Who has to chant Mangal Stotra:
- The persons who lost the peace of mind for the indifferent situations and stresses due to domestic purposes should chant Mangal Stotra.
- For rules and regulations and systems knowledge please contact Astro Mantra.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Mangal Stotram?
Mangal Stotram is a hymn dedicated to Lord Mangal (Mars) in Vedic astrology. It is recited to mitigate the negative effects of Mars and harness its positive energy.
When should I chant Mangal Stotram?
Mangal Stotram is best chanted on Tuesdays, which is the day ruled by Mars. It can also be chanted during the Mars hora for additional benefits.
Can chanting Mangal Stotram improve my health?
Yes, chanting Mangal Stotram is believed to improve physical and mental strength, thereby contributing to better overall health.
How many times should I recite Mangal Stotram?
It is recommended to recite Mangal Stotram at least 11 times. However, you can chant it more frequently for greater benefits.