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Chandra Stotram
Chandra Stotam is a hymn dedicated to Chandra, the Moon God in Hindu mythology. The Moon holds significant importance in Vedic astrology, influencing emotions, mental state, and overall well-being. Reciting Chandra Stotam is believed to pacify the malefic effects of a weak Moon and enhance its positive attributes.
Chandra Stotra helps to clear the confusions of the mind and enhance the power of the mind. Lord Chandra always helps to enhance beauty, brilliance, eyesight, memory and mental faculties.
Importance of Chandra in Astrology
In astrology, Chandra or the Moon represents the mind and emotions. It governs the sign of Cancer and is considered a benefic planet. A strong Moon in a natal chart brings mental stability, calmness, and a nurturing nature, while a weak Moon can lead to emotional turmoil, indecisiveness, and mood swings.
Chandra Stotra-चन्द्र स्तोत्र

Who has to recite the Chandra Stotra The persons mentally suffering from stress and tension for the reason or other must chant Chandra Stotra to get relief from the adversities.
Chandra Stotra/चन्द्र स्तोत्र ॐ श्वेताम्बर:श्वेतवपु:। किरीटी श्वेतधुतिर्दणडधरोद्विबाहु:। चन्द्रोऽम्रतात्मा वरद: शशाऽक: श्रेयांसि महं प्रददातु देव: ।।1।। दधिशऽकतुषाराभं क्षीरोदार्नवसम्भवम्। नमामि शशिनंसोमंशम्भोर्मुकुटभूषणम् ।।2।। क्षीरसिन्धुसमुत्पन्नो रोहिणीसहित: प्रभुः। हरस्य मुकटावास बालचन्द्र नमोस्तु ते ।।3।। सुधामया यत्किरणा: पोषयन्त्योषधीवनम्। सर्वान्नरसहेतुंतं नमामि सिन्धुनन्दनम् ।।4।। राकेशं तारकेशं च रोहिणी प्रियसुन्दरम्। ध्यायतां सर्वदोषघ्नं नमामीन्दुं मुहुर्मुह: ।।5।।
Benefits of reciting Chandra Stotra Regular chanting of this Chandra Stotra gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous. According to Hindu Mythology reciting of Chandra Stotra regularly is the most powerful way to please God Chandra and get his blessing. Moon is the god of the human minds. Chanting Chandra Stotra is can help clear the confusion of the mind, enhance the power of the mind.
Benefits of Reciting Chandra Stotam
- Enhances mental peace and emotional stability.
- Improves intuition and psychic abilities.
- Pacifies the malefic effects of a weak or afflicted Moon.
- Brings prosperity and well-being.
- Strengthens the relationship with the mother and enhances maternal blessings.
How to Recite Chandra Stotam
Chandra Stotam should be recited on Mondays, which is the day dedicated to the Moon. It is best to chant it during the evening or at night under the light of the Moon. One should face the direction of the Moon and offer water and white flowers as part of the ritual.
Chandra Stotam
Below is the Chandra Stotam that can be recited:
“Dadhi shankha tusharabham ksheero darnava sambhavam
Namaami shashinam somam shambhor mukuta bhushanam”
Chandra Stotra Benefits:
- Regular chanting of this Chandra Stotra gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.
- According to Hindu Mythology reciting of Chandra Stotra regularly is the most powerful way to please God Chandra and get his blessing.
- Moon is the god of the human minds. Chanting Chandra Stotra is can help clear the confusion of the mind, enhance the power of the mind.
Who has to recite the Chandra Stotra:
- The persons mentally suffering from stress and tension for the reason or other must chant Chandra Stotra to get relief from the adversities.
- For guidelines regarding the way of chanting to get the perfect output please contact Astro Mantra.
- What is Chandra Stotam?
- Chandra Stotam is a hymn dedicated to Chandra, the Moon God in Hindu mythology, recited to pacify the effects of a weak Moon and enhance its positive qualities.
- When should Chandra Stotam be recited?
- Chandra Stotam should be recited on Mondays, preferably during the evening or night under the Moon's light.
- What are the benefits of reciting Chandra Stotam?
- Reciting Chandra Stotam can bring mental peace, emotional stability, prosperity, and strengthen relationships with the mother, among other benefits.
- How does Chandra influence astrology?
- In astrology, Chandra or the Moon represents the mind and emotions. It influences mental stability, intuition, and overall well-being.
- Can reciting Chandra Stotam mitigate the effects of a weak Moon?
- Yes, reciting Chandra Stotam is believed to pacify the malefic effects of a weak or afflicted Moon and enhance its positive attributes.