Horoscope Matching
- 🔖Tulsi Stotra- तुलसी स्तोत्र
- 🔖Surya Stotra-सूर्य स्तोत्र
- 🔖Chandra Stotra-चन्द्र स्तोत्र
- 🔖Mangal Stotra-मंगल स्तोत्र
- 🔖Buddh Stotra-बुद्ध स्तोत्र
- 🔖Brihaspati-बृहस्पति स्तोत्रम्
- 🔖Shukra Stotra-शुक्र स्तोत्र
- 🔖Shani Stotra-शनि स्तोत्र
- 🔖Rahu Stotra-राहु स्तोत्र
- 🔖Ketu- केतु स्तोत्र
- 🔖Navagraha Stotra-नवग्रह स्तोत्र
- 🔖Hanuman Stotra-हनुमान स्तोत्र
- 🔖Lakshmi -महालक्ष्मी स्तोत्र
- 🔖Shiv - महामृत्युंजय स्तोत्र
- 🔖Shiv Tandav- शिव तांडव स्तोत्रम्
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Gan Dosha Reasons & Solutions
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What is Gan Dosha? Gana dosha may be creating serious conflicts between couples. Both couples may have an opposite level of thoughts. Sometimes they have enmity towards each other. Basically, Gana dosha will be creating thoughts differences.
Gana Dosha Cancellations
During the Matchmaking, if couples don’t have Nadi dosha & Bhakoot dosha then only we have to check for Gana Dosha Cancellation. If the couple has Nadi dosha, then we don’t need to check for Gana dosha cancellation. Because such matching will be avoided for marriage.
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- 🪸When Moon sign lord of couples is friendly to each other then we can ignore Gana dosha in Kundali Milan.
- 🪸If the Navamsa sign lord of Moon is friendly to each other then we can ignore Gana dosha.Here we should keep in mind that both Moon sign lord or Navamsa sign lord will be different not the same planet..
- 🪸 If matchmaking of couples doesn’t have Tara dosha, Planet friendship dosha, Bhakoot dosha or Nadi dosha then we can ignore Gana dosha in matching.
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Effect Of Gana Dosh On Life
When one person is Dev and the other has Rakshash Gana, they would be inimical towards each other throughout life. Obviously their married life would be full of strifes and conflicts. In mythology also we observe the Devtas and Rakshashas always fought with each other and were never at peace. For the purpose of this study, such couples should have reported their marital life under ’Below Average’ or ’Bad’ category. The other Gana Dosha combination pertains to pair where one partner was Rakshash and the other was of Manushya Gana. As we have read in stories, the Rakshash would kill the Manushya and eat him. Similar impact in life would result in death of the manushya Gana partner and if not physical death, his life would be utterly miserable after marrying a Rakshash Gana partner. In these cases also, the feedback about their married life, should be under either below average or ’Bad’ category.
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Please note Vedic solutions,remedies,mantra & Planetry positions are mentioned by Ancient Sages in Veda and it is same everywhere hence no one have sole proprietorship on these.Any one free to use the content.We have compiled the contents from different Indian scripture, consisting of the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda, which codified the ideas and practices of Vedic religion and laid down the basis of classical Hinduism with the sources,books,websites and blogs so that everyone can know the vedic science. If you have any issues with the content on this website do let us write on care.jyotishgher@gmail.com.
Gana Dosha Types in Horoscope Matching
🪸 The Devata / Dev Gana
🪸The Manushya Gana
🪸 The Rakshash Gana
What are the characteristics of Gana in astrology?
🪸🪸 Deva Gana Characteristics: Deva gana nature is humble, generous and kind-hearted. According to deva gana features these persons possesses good temperament, good behaviour and tends to follow all the cultural rules and traditions. deva gana person appreciates the good qualities of others and avoids getting into quarrels and refrains from being envious.
🪸🪸 Manushya Gana Characteristics This gives the person a human nature. Manushya gana personality will have mixed qualities. Sometimes they may be very kind, and at times they may become vindictive. The person who belongs to manav gana, will be religious and creative. However, it’s not necessary that the person will follow all the rules. In other words, natives of manushya gana phala like to make a living for themselves and their kin..
🪸🪸 Rakshasa Gana Characteristics: This indicates the darker side of human nature. The one who belongs to rakshasa gana phala will be stubborn and rigid in nature. It is the rakshas gana nature that this person may even tend to pick fights over petty issues. Rakshasa temperament may be self-centred and not care about anyone else. However, the person with these qualities may not necessarily be bad. The person with this Gana will also have strong intuitive powers..
Remedies For Gana Dosh
🍀 It is necessary to correct this defect as it will ultimately lead to numerous glitches in the married life of the couple. Defeating the dosha can give you freedom from experiencing many unwelcome and negative situations in your life that you would think would not happen in the early days of marriage. But as your married life grows and time elapses, the problem will come to the fore.
🍀 The effect of this defect does not end completely. However, this can be reduced to a great extent if a person does this religiously and under the guidance of experienced astrologers. This will reduce the ill effects of the dosha and it will eventually become weak. Also, they will not affect married life harmfully and can be easily dealt with if one has knowledge about the remedies.
🍀 It is auspicious for both the bride and groom to chant Mahamrityunjaya. Along with this, the donation of cows also appeases Bhakoot Dosha. Apart from this, keeping fast on Thursday proves beneficial. Mixing turmeric in water daily and pouring it on a banana tree is also beneficial.
TVedic astrology mentions various remedies to reduce malefic effects of Gana Dosh. Though Gan Dosh Nivaran Pooja may be performed in general; it alone may not be sufficient in most cases. Since the type and quantum of problems indicated by Gana Dosh as well as the type and strength of planets which may try to reduce the intensity of this defect may be different in different horoscopes; general remedies may not bring satisfactory results in most cases. Hence the remedial approach should be specially chosen for the native or natives under consideration. Therefore, appropriate and comprehensive remedial measures should be implemented; only after thoroughly analysing both horoscopes.
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Tulsi Stotra- तुलसी स्तोत्र

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