Astrological Transits 2025

The result of transits depends on the characteristics of the planet. Benefic planets may help you achieve your life goals, while malefic planets may create hurdles and disturbances in your life.

Ring Ceremony-muhurats in astrology

Jupiter Planetary transit 2025 and their duration

Jupiter takes approximately one year to complete one transit through each zodiac sign. However, the exact length of time Jupiter spends in each sign can vary slightly due to its elliptical orbit around the Sun and other factors. On average, Jupiter spends about one year in each sign, but this can range from 11 to 13 months.

Jupiter has been transiting the Taurus sign controlled by Venus since last year, and on May 15, 2025, at 2:30 a.m., it will exit Taurus and enter Gemini, ruled by Mercury.

Guru Transit 2025 List





FEBRUARY 4, 2025

Jupiter Transit in Direct Taurus


MAY 14, 2025

Jupiter Transit Gemini


OCTOBER 18, 2025

Jupiter Transit Cancer


NOVEMBER 11, 2025

Jupiter Retrograde Cancer


DECEMBER 5, 2025

Jupiter Transit Gemini

while Jupiter's is in Aries can bring opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth. This can be a time for individuals to take bold steps towards their goals and assert their leadership qualities. To make the most of this transit, individuals can focus on physical fitness, take calculated risks, and engage in activities that allow them to express their individuality.


Effects on each zodiac sign


For Aries, Jupiter's transit into Gemini will activate the 3rd house, bringing communication, short travels, and networking opportunities. You may find new ways to express yourself, and siblings might play an important role in your life.You will actively participate in matters of religion. There will be numerous religious trips. Your companions will encourage you and accompany you to great places. Your connections with your brothers and sisters will grow stronger. This will make you happy. There will be opportunities for progress in business. Jupiter's aspect on the seventh, ninth, and eleventh houses will result in business development, increased marital love, resolution of mutual relationship problems, business expansion, and the possibility of a significant gain in income.


For Taurus, Jupiter's transit will move into your 2nd house of finances. This is a positive time for wealth accumulation, family harmony, and values. You may gain through property or inheritance.However, you can save a portion of your earnings. Jupiter's aspect will then shift to the sixth, eighth, and tenth houses, indicating development in ancestral business. If you do business with your family, you will have the opportunity to make significant growth. People working in jobs will also have the opportunity to make big money. You will engage in religious activities, your relationships with your in-laws will improve, and you may receive money benefits and other forms of assistance from them. To Know The Time Of Raj Yoga, Order Now: Raj Yoga Report🍃


For Gemini, Jupiter transiting your 1st house brings growth in personality and expansion in your self-confidence. You'll feel optimistic and ready to take on new challenges. However, watch out for overindulgence.You will meet your educational objectives and love learning more. There will be opportunities for marriage. If you are unmarried, you can marry. Married people will have less marital problems, and mutual harmony will improve, leading in marital pleasure. There will be prospects for beneficial business development. You will encounter influential and respected individuals of society, resulting in increased economic earnings and societal advancement.


For Cancer, Jupiter moves into the 12th house, bringing spiritual growth and opportunities for foreign travel. You may need to focus on letting go of the past and embrace a more meditative and introspective life.The family's resources for happiness will expand. Family harmony will improve, and you will be more satisfied with your household situation. You will also get wonderful news from your in-laws. Jupiter's entry into your zodiac sign in October will be the cherry on top for you. You will achieve favorable results in education, riches, children, married life, business, and luck, and luck will produce outcomes similar to Rajyoga. In December, Jupiter entering the twelfth house in retrograde can boost health difficulties and expenses.


For Leo, Jupiter in the 11th house will enhance your social life, networking, and gains through friendships. This is a time for setting long-term goals and seeing them come to fruition. Expect support from influential people.There will be an intensity in love relationships. Children will progress. If you wish to have a child then it is possible for you to have a child. You will accomplish great achievement in studies. There will be the prospect of a quick financial gain. You may inherit some form of property. It is possible to receive secret money. This is also a good opportunity to get along with your brothers and sisters.


For Virgo, Jupiter transiting your 10th house will bring growth in career and public standing. You'll gain recognition for your work, and opportunities for advancement will present themselves. This is an ideal time for achieving professional goals.Learn to accept responsibility for the work you don't know and move on after learning it. You will need to step up to fulfill your family responsibilities since now is the moment. Jupiter will then aspect your second, fourth, and sixth houses, boosting your wealth-accumulation efforts. You will try to accumulate as much money as possible.You will go to great lengths to improve family relationships. The health of the parents will improve significantly. The family members will share a feeling of mutual love and affection. You will not encounter any complications from the opposing side. In October, when Jupiter enters your eleventh house, your financial situation will be stable.


For Libra, Jupiter moves into your 9th house, bringing luck in higher education, travel, and spiritual pursuits. You may feel drawn to learning, and mentors or guides could play an important role in your life.The more effort you put in, the more results you will achieve. Your task will speed considerably with the help of brothers and sisters. Jupiter, who is present here, will examine your zodiac sign, specifically your first, third, and fifth houses, resulting in positive educational and higher education outcomes. You can experience the satisfaction of having a child. There is a probability of having a child.


For Scorpio, Jupiter's transit into the 8th house brings transformation, deep research, and potential inheritance. Be cautious with shared finances, and embrace personal growth through introspection.There may be financial losses. A decline in health may pose complications. Jupiter will throw a complete glance over your twelfth, second, and fourth houses, so you may receive some pleasant news in your in-laws' house. Your expenses would rise. There are opportunities to visit overseas. Sometimes you may receive money unexpectedly. Aside from that, in-laws may become more involved in the family. Jupiter's transit through the ninth house in October will result in success in all tasks.


For Sagittarius, Jupiter moves into your 7th house of relationships. This is a great time for partnerships, marriage, and business collaborations. However, you may also need to maintain balance to avoid conflicts.You can achieve great success in business as well. Any old land-related wish can come true. You are able to buy property. Jupiter will aspect your eleventh, first, and third houses from here, which will favor you in terms of travel. You may notice a gain or rise in your money, and your decision-making abilities will be strong, which will benefit you. In October, when Jupiter enters the eighth house, you may have profound spiritual experiences.


For Capricorn, Jupiter transits your 6th house, improving health, work-life, and routine. You may gain favor in your workplace, but it’s also important to avoid overworking or stress-related health issues.Expenses will also rise during this period. You will achieve success only if you overcome your laziness. Opponents may try to defeat you. However, as Jupiter enters the seventh house in October, you will triumph over all of these opponents. There will be economic prosperity. Your spouse will support you. There will be growth in marriage relationships.To Know The Time Of Raj Yoga, Order Now: Raj Yoga Report🍃


For Aquarius, Jupiter in the 5th house brings creative opportunities, love, and romance. You'll find joy in hobbies and pursuits, and if you're planning for children, this could be a fruitful time.Jupiter will aspect your ninth, eleventh, and first houses by focusing on positive aspects. Your child will also become cultured. You will achieve great achievements in your studies. Higher education will also help you succeed. You will be eager to make money. You will receive favorable news regarding children. Your health problems will improve. Decision-making abilities will become stronger.


For Pisces, Jupiter transits your 4th house, bringing blessings to home, family, and real estate. You may find happiness in domestic matters and could benefit from property-related gains.You will devote your complete concentration to your work, which will increase your chances of success. Jupiter will sit here and look at your eighth, tenth, and twelfth houses, resulting in an increase in expenses. However, the funds will be spent on worthy causes. Your life expectancy will rise, and your in-laws will benefit as well. They may achieve some positive effects during this time. You may be required to travel from one city to another for job purposes.Jupiter will transit the fifth house in October, making it a favorable period for children and financial prosperity. There will be time for achievement in romantic relationships as well. After that, when Jupiter turns retrograde and returns to the fourth house in December, family troubles might worsen. Imbalance among family members can be a huge source of troubles, and you will need to work hard at work as well, in order to succeed.

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Effects of Jupiter in Gemini in All 12 Houses

1st House

When Jupiter transits your 1st house, it brings growth in self-confidence and personal expansion. You may feel more optimistic, attract opportunities, and experience improvements in your health.Positive Effect: Jupiter in the 1st House (ascendant house) makes the individual grow in many aspects of life, such as spiritually, personally, and professionally. They will have all luck and good fate on their side. Thus, these individuals with positive attitudes are likely to come out as a winner despite hard knocks and trouble.Negative Effect: Jupiter in the first House in astrology makes the one hurt others unknowingly. Hence, there is a high possibility of them landing into many troubles in a lifetime. Also, they need to be more cautious while making any decision in life.

2nd House

Jupiter in the 2nd house brings financial growth, a focus on values, and family matters. You may experience gains through assets, and communication with family members will improve.Jupiter in the 2nd House makes the one work hard and put in their best effort in whatever work they do. They are likely to be lucky in matters of money, wealth, and material possessions. They are usually cheerful by nature, and they spread happiness where ever they go.

3rd House

In the 3rd house, Jupiter expands your communication skills and travel opportunities. This is a great time to learn new things, develop relationships with siblings, and embark on short journeys.Jupiter in the 3rd House makes the individual good at planning. They are highly social and enjoy making friends. Also, they have strong intuition and mental capabilities to catch up on new things and information. They usually believe in talking less and doing more. The strong desire of having Cordial relationships with family members and siblings is the positive impact of having Jupiter in this house of astrology.

4th House

Jupiter's transit in the 4th house improves your domestic life, brings happiness at home, and benefits in real estate matters. Family relations will be harmonious, and you may gain through property.The placement of Jupiter in the 4th House lead the individuals to have a great advantage in the field of business. They will be in profit and predicted gains. Jupiter in the fourth house makes the individual lucky, liberal, generous, and honest.

5th House

When Jupiter transits your 5th house, it brings creativity, love, romance, and joy in recreational activities. If you’re planning for children, this transit could bring good news.Jupiter in the 5th House makes the individual generous, playful, and warm in life. They tend to have a good love bond with their family as well as their partners and children. They are more creative and very passionate about their hobbies.

6th House

Jupiter in the 6th house helps with health and work matters. You may see improvements in your job, better relationships with coworkers, and gains in physical fitness. When Jupiter gets into the 6th House, it makes the individual very good at work. They can be thoroughgoing and professional. Also, they don’t waffle to work hard, which will lead them to have a name and fame in their lives.

7th House

Jupiter's transit through the 7th house brings luck in partnerships and marriage. It's a favorable time for business deals, and you may attract harmonious and balanced relationships.Jupiter in the 7th House blesses individuals with wealth and luck in their life. It makes them rich, which fills their lives with various joys, pleasures, and happiness. The presence of Jupiter provides the key ingredients for one to thrive in spirituality.

8th House

When Jupiter transits the 8th house, it brings transformation, personal growth, and potential financial gains through inheritance. Research and occult subjects may interest you during this period.Jupiter in the 8th House makes the person knowledgeable and has a good intellect. They are great at making strategies and carrying out research work and investigation. Also, they are highly intuitive and good at analyzing things.Negative Effect: The position of Jupiter in the eighth House usually interferes with the relationship of the natives. They are likely to be more reserved, and hence people may often misunderstand them.

9th House

Jupiter in the 9th house enhances spirituality, higher education, and long-distance travel. You may embark on journeys that expand your mind and find mentors who guide your life’s path.upiter in the 9th House makes the individual a good teacher as they love the process of learning. Hence, they are likely to succeed in travel, education, teaching, sports, publishing, and foreign cultures.Negative Effect: Jupiter in the ninth House makes individuals more attached to their friends than their family. This might lead them to have a disrupted family life as they love traveling out with their friends.

10th House

Jupiter's transit through the 10th house brings professional success and career growth. You'll find recognition for your efforts, and authority figures may support your progress.When Jupiter is present in the 10th House, it gives the individual professional success and fame in their business or career path. Jupiter in the tenth house people will acquire a respected position in society for work and social circles efforts. In their personal life, they are usually generous and have sympathetic characters.

11th House

In the 11th house, Jupiter brings social expansion, gains through friends, and fulfillment of long-term goals. Networking will prove beneficial, and your dreams may come to fruition.Jupiter in the 11th House is considered one of the most beneficial placements. Thus, it provides its natives with good health, wealth, and happiness in life. They tend to have a decent life having good relations with everyone.Negative Effect: Jupiter in the eleventh House is less malefic. Since they have a good relationship with everyone, they might have difficulty managing their time with friends and family.

12th House

Jupiter's transit in the 12th house brings spiritual growth, foreign travel, and the need for solitude. You may focus on letting go of the past and engage in activities that bring inner peace.Strong Jupiter in the 12th House makes the individual generous and spends money on good work. They are likely to be interested in spirituality, yoga, and meditation; thus, they will have good physical and mental health.Negative Effect: The Place of Jupiter in the twelfth House is not a favorable position; it influences business loss, may create differences with their father, and loss of money in unnecessary matters.

Mantras for Jupiter or Guru

Jupiter is associated with the deity Brihaspati and is considered the planet of wisdom, knowledge, and wealth. Mantras can be used to harness Jupiter's positive energies and improve one's life. Here are some mantras for Jupiter:

  1. "Om Gram Greem Graum Sah Guruve Namah" - This mantra is associated with Brihaspati and can be used for enhancing wisdom and knowledge.
  2. "Om Devendraaya Vidhmahe Divyaanandhaaya Dheemahi Tanno Dhanaadhanyah Prachodayat" - This mantra is used for attracting wealth and abundance.
  3. "Om Brihaspataye Namah" - This is a simple mantra that can be used to invoke the blessings of Jupiter.


Remedies for Jupiter or Guru

Donating items associated with Jupiter is believed to help appease the planet and bring positive results in areas such as education, finance, and overall well-being. Here are some things that can be donated to please Brihaspati or Jupiter:

  1. Yellow-colored items - This can include yellow flowers, yellow cloth, yellow rice, or yellow fruits.
  2. Books, educational materials, and other items related to learning and knowledge - This includes items such as books, writing materials, or even funding for education-related causes.
  3. Brass or other metals - Brass is associated with Jupiter and can be donated in the form of utensils, statues, or other items.
  4. Turmeric and other spices - Jupiter is associated with spices, and donating turmeric, saffron, or other aromatic spices can be a way to appease the planet.

Here are some remedies for individuals with Jupiter placed in different houses in their natal chart:

  1. 1st House: Offer yellow items, such as yellow flowers or yellow sweets, to Jupiter. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  2. 2nd House: Offer sweets and desserts to Jupiter, especially on Thursdays. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  3. 3rd House: Offer yellow sweets, such as turmeric sweets, to Jupiter. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  4. 4th House: Offer yellow items, such as yellow flowers or yellow sweets, to Jupiter. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  5. 5th House: Offer yellow sweets, such as turmeric sweets, to Jupiter. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  6. 6th House: Offer sweets and desserts to Jupiter, especially on Thursdays. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  7. 7th House: Offer yellow items, such as yellow flowers or yellow sweets, to Jupiter. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  8. 8th House: Offer sweets and desserts to Jupiter, especially on Thursdays. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  9. 9th House: Offer yellow sweets, such as turmeric sweets, to Jupiter. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  10. 10th House: Offer yellow items, such as yellow flowers or yellow sweets, to Jupiter. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  11. 11th House: Offer sweets and desserts to Jupiter, especially on Thursdays. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.
  12. 12th House: Offer yellow sweets, such as turmeric sweets, to Jupiter. Wear a yellow sapphire gemstone or a gold ring on the index finger.


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Final Takeaway

In conclusion, Jupiter's transit in 2025 have the potential to bring growth, prosperity, and positive change for individuals. Whether through increased opportunities for financial growth, the chance to reassess values and priorities, or personal growth and self-discovery, Jupiter's transit can offer a time of transformation and progress. By tapping into Jupiter's positive energies through mantras, donations, and other practices, individuals can harness the power of this planet to improve their lives and achieve their goals. With an open heart and a clear intention, the possibilities for growth and success during Jupiter's transits in 2025 are endless!

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Some general applications of transits on birth chart

  1. 🫱When Jupiter in his course if transit is in trikona (meaning in same sign, in 5th sign from it or in 9th sign from it) to the sign and navamsa occupied by the lord of house under consideration, the attainment of the good effects of the house can be expected.
  2. 🫱When in the course of transit the lord of the Lagna and the 6th house gets into conjunction, the person will overcome his enemies, if the lord of the 6th house is weaker than the lord of the lagna. If the lord of the 6th house is stronger that the lagna lord then the results are going to be opposite in effect.
  3. 🫱The success of the house under consideration can be predicted when the lord of the lagna gets into conjunction with the lord of that house house in course of their transits - provided that the lord of the house concerned is strong, or else the results can differ.
  4. Success of a house can be predicted under following circumstances of transits:
    1. 🫱 When the lord of the lagna in transit is in trikona sign or navamsa occupied by the lord of the house.
    2. 🫱 When the lord of the lagna passes through that house in transit.
    3. 🫱 When the lord of the house transits in the sign which is trikona to the sign or navamsa occupied by the lord of the lagna.
    4. 🫱 When in the course of transit the lord of the lagna and lord of the house get conjoined or aspect each other.
    5. 🫱 When the karaka of the house in course of his transit gets conjoined with the lord of the lagna or the lord of the sign occupies by moon.

🫱🫱 The effects of a transiting planet that have been delineated by the Ancient Sages on the basis of Moon sign would be experienced in different ways even by person born under the same Moon sign or the same Nakshatra and this difference arises because of the difference in the Lagna (rising sign) and the position of planets from the lagna.

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