Astrological Transits 2025
Complete List of all Planetary Transits
As we know, there are nine planets in Vedic astrology. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. All year-round, these planets travel through the 12 zodiac signs.When a planet completes its journey in one sign and moves to another, it is called a transit. The seven planets that we can see (except Rahu and Ketu), move through a particular motion. Whereas Rahu and Ketu transit in the opposite direction.Whenever a transit occurs, i.e. a planet moves from one sign to another, it affects the natives of each sign differently.
Birth Chart

Moon Chart

Positions of Planets
Name | Sign | Sign Lord | Nakshatra | Nakshatra Lord | House | Awastha |
Sun(28.92) | Aquarius | Saturn | Purva Bhadrapad | Jupiter | 8 | Mrit |
Moon(19.84) | Leo | Sun | Purva Phalguni | Venus | 2 | Vridha |
Mars(24.53) | Gemini | Mercury | Punarvasu | Jupiter | 12 | Mrit |
Mercury(15.14) | Pisces | Jupiter | Uttra Bhadrapad | Saturn | 9 | Yuva |
Jupiter(19.27) | Taurus | Venus | Rohini | Moon | 11 | Kumara |
Venus(13.93) | Pisces | Jupiter | Uttra Bhadrapad | Saturn | 9 | Yuva |
Saturn(28.01) | Aquarius | Saturn | Purva Bhadrapad | Jupiter | 8 | Mrit |
Rahu(3.50) | Pisces | Jupiter | Uttra Bhadrapad | Saturn | 9 | Mrit |
Ketu(3.50) | Virgo | Mercury | Uttra Phalguni | Sun | 3 | Mrit |
Ascendant(9.56) | Cancer | Moon | Pushya | Saturn | 1 | -- |
The result of transits depends on the characteristics of the planet. Benefic planets may help you achieve your life goals, while malefic planets may create hurdles and disturbances in your life.
Planetary transit 2025 and their duration | How do planetary transits work in Vedic astrology?
Planetary Transit 2025 | Transit duration |
Sun | 30 Days |
Mars | 45 Days |
Mercury | 21 Days |
Jupiter | 12.5 Months |
Venus | 26 Days |
Saturn | 2.5 Years |
Rahu and Ketu | 19 Months |
Moon | 2.25 Days |
All the planetary transits are not only vital but can change your life most unexpectedly. Therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye on the transits of all the planets. Read in detail about each transit in 2025 to know its effects in different areas of your life.
Some general applications of transits on birth chart
- 🫱When Jupiter in his course if transit is in trikona (meaning in same sign, in 5th sign from it or in 9th sign from it) to the sign and navamsa occupied by the lord of house under consideration, the attainment of the good effects of the house can be expected.
- 🫱When in the course of transit the lord of the Lagna and the 6th house gets into conjunction, the person will overcome his enemies, if the lord of the 6th house is weaker than the lord of the lagna. If the lord of the 6th house is stronger that the lagna lord then the results are going to be opposite in effect.
- 🫱The success of the house under consideration can be predicted when the lord of the lagna gets into conjunction with the lord of that house house in course of their transits - provided that the lord of the house concerned is strong, or else the results can differ.
Success of a house can be predicted under following circumstances of transits:
- 🫱 When the lord of the lagna in transit is in trikona sign or navamsa occupied by the lord of the house.
- 🫱 When the lord of the lagna passes through that house in transit.
- 🫱 When the lord of the house transits in the sign which is trikona to the sign or navamsa occupied by the lord of the lagna.
- 🫱 When in the course of transit the lord of the lagna and lord of the house get conjoined or aspect each other.
- 🫱 When the karaka of the house in course of his transit gets conjoined with the lord of the lagna or the lord of the sign occupies by moon.
12 Chinese Zodiac Signs
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