gemstones for planets in astrology

Safed Pukhraj / सुलेमानी | (PLANET : Venus)

Astrologically Benefits🪶🪶

सफेद पुखराज से धन में वृद्धि होती है सफेद पुखराज व्यक्तियों को अपने जीवन में पूर्ण संपन्नता का एहसास दिलाते हैं इसके साथ ही कलात्मक क्षेत्र से जुड़े लोग जैसे फिल्म व टेलीविजन कलाकार, गायक, लेखक आदि


What is White Sapphire? White Sapphire is the gemstone of Venus Planet. Benefic Venus gives Luxury and Graceful life. If you wear White Sapphire, you will blessed by Venus in the form of graceful and happy life. White Sapphire is the Birth Stone of Gemini. Benefits of White Sapphire: White Sapphire Stone gives luxury and it makes you conscious about your health. White Sapphire Stone gives prosperity that means effect of this stone drives you toward economic gains. If someone is facing problem in love life or problem in marriage, White Sapphire Stone is the only solution for them. Any one working in fashion, Art, Acting or any other creative Industry should wear White Sapphire Stone. Astrological Benefits of White Sapphire: White Sapphire is the gemstone of Venus Planet so if anyone has malefic position of Venus in his Birth Chart he should wear White Sapphire. Libra and Taurus Ascendant can wear this stone because this is lucky Stone for them according to Vedic Astrology. White Sapphire Stone is the Birth Stone of Gemini People.

Price Expected For The Stone🪶🪶


How To Order

By knowing these benefits; you can make a perfect choice to buy an original and non-fraudulent Stone from a renowned dealer or store. The most-recommended Jyotishgher Gems store can help you choose the right stone with proper carat/weight, certificate and recommendations based on your birth chart. You can also buy Stones online with equally fast, smooth and effective services.So Downlaod The Jyotishgher Veda Android App! Or You can write us on

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