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Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh

The Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh is a revered bead in Hinduism, known for its powerful spiritual and healing properties. This bead, featuring eleven faces, is believed to embody the energy of Lord Rudra and is significant for those seeking spiritual growth, protection, and mental clarity. In this detailed guide, we will delve into the benefits of Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh, how to wear it, its meaning, price, and other important aspects.Book Astrologers

Gauri Shankar Rudraksha–गौरी शंकर

Eleven-face-rudraksh in astrology

गौरी शंकर रुद्राक्ष को पहनने से व्यक्ति के जीवन की सभी बाधाएं और मुश्किलें दूर होती हैं। इस रुद्राक्ष पर भगवान शिव और मां पार्वती की कृपा बरसती है। स्‍वामी ग्रह शुक्र ईष्‍ट देवता भगवान शिव और मां पार्वती ऑरिजिन इंडोनेशिया मंत्र ‘ऊं एं ह्रीं युगल रूपनाए नम:

गौरी शंकर रुद्राक्ष के लाभ गौरी शंकर रुद्राक्ष को धारण करने से पारिवारिक जीवन में खुशहाली और शांति आती है। अच्छा जीवनसाथी पाने की कामना रखने वाले लोगों को भी यह रुद्राक्ष पहनना चाहिए। संतान प्राप्ति चाहते हैं तो इस गौरी शंकर रुद्राक्ष को जरूर पहनें। गौरी शंकर रुद्राक्ष से मन शांत रहता है और धारणकर्ता को मेडिटेशन करने जैसे लाभ मिलते हैं। इस रुद्राक्ष को धारण करने से व्यक्ति के ज्ञान में वृद्धि होती है और जीवन में सही दिशा में चलने में मदद मिलती है। चमत्कारिक गौरी शंकर रुद्राक्ष का स्वामी ग्रह शुक्र हैं इसलिए इसे पहनने से व्यक्ति को जीवन का हर तरह का भौतिक सुख मिलता है। धन प्राप्ति, प्रेम के मार्ग में आने वाली बाधाओं और कर्ज मुक्ति में भी यह रुद्राक्ष लाभकारी है।

गौरी शंकर रुद्राक्ष को धारण करने की विधि सोमवार या शुक्रवार के दिन गौरी शंकर रुद्राक्ष को पहनना शुभ रहता है। इसे धारण करने से पूर्व स्‍नान कर साफ वस्‍त्र पहनें और फिर घर के पूजन स्‍थल में पूर्व दिशा की ओर मुख कर के 108 बार ‘ऊं एं ह्रीं युगल रूपनाए नम:’ मंत्र का जाप करें। आप इस रुद्राक्ष को लाल धागे या सोने या चांदी की चेन में पहन सकते हैं। कहां से लें JYOTISHGHER.IN

What is Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh?

The Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh is a rare and sacred bead that has eleven distinct faces. It represents Lord Rudra, an aspect of Lord Shiva, and is considered to be extremely auspicious. The bead is known for its ability to provide spiritual enlightenment, protection, and the removal of obstacles from the wearer’s life.Book Vedic reports

Benefits of Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh

Wearing an Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Spiritual Growth: It aids in attaining higher spiritual consciousness and enhances meditation practices.
  • Mental Clarity: The bead helps in improving focus and concentration, making it valuable for students and professionals.
  • Protection: It offers protection from negative energies and influences, creating a protective shield around the wearer.
  • Success and Prosperity: The bead attracts success and prosperity, making it beneficial for business people and job seekers.
  • Peace of Mind: It helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting overall mental well-being.

How to Wear Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh

Proper usage of the Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh is crucial for maximizing its benefits. It can be worn as a necklace or bracelet. Before wearing, it should be cleansed and energized through a specific ritual. Chanting the Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh mantra and performing a puja is recommended to activate its spiritual energies. Mondays are considered the most auspicious day to begin wearing the bead.

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Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh Mantra

To harness the full potential of the Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh, recite the following mantra:

"Om Hreem Namah"

This mantra is believed to invoke divine energies and align the bead’s vibrations with the wearer’s spiritual goals.

Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for Meditation

The Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for meditation is highly valued for its ability to enhance meditative practices. It aids in achieving deep states of meditation, promotes mental clarity, and helps in connecting with higher spiritual realms.

Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for Lord Shiva

The Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh is associated with Lord Shiva, specifically in his Rudra form. Devotees believe that wearing this bead brings them closer to Shiva, granting them his blessings and protection. It is especially beneficial for those who follow the path of Shiva and seek his divine guidance.Book Vedic reports

Authentic Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh

Finding an authentic Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh can be challenging due to its rarity. Authentic beads are characterized by their clear, well-defined faces and natural texture. Always purchase from reputable sources that provide certification to ensure the bead’s authenticity and effectiveness.

Where to Buy Genuine Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh

To acquire a genuine bead, consider buying from trusted spiritual stores or online platforms that offer certified products. Check for customer reviews, certification, and the seller’s reputation when deciding where to buy genuine Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh.

Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh Price

The Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh price varies based on its authenticity, size, and origin. Prices can range from a few thousand to several lakhs of rupees. Due to its rarity and spiritual significance, it is considered a valuable investment for spiritual growth and protection.

Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh Benefits for Students

Students can benefit greatly from the Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh. It enhances mental focus, concentration, and memory, which are crucial for academic success. The bead also helps in reducing exam stress and improving overall performance.

Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh Benefits for Business

For business professionals, the Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh benefits for business include attracting prosperity, success, and overcoming obstacles. The bead’s energies promote clear decision-making and can help in achieving business goals.

Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for Couples

The Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for couples helps in fostering harmony, understanding, and love between partners. It strengthens relationships and resolves conflicts, leading to a more peaceful and fulfilling partnership.Book Vedic reports

Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for Job Seekers

For those searching for employment, the Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for job seekers enhances confidence, communication skills, and attracts positive opportunities. It helps in securing desirable job positions and career advancement.

Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for Focus and Concentration

The Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for focus and concentration is a powerful tool for improving mental capabilities. Whether for academic, professional, or spiritual purposes, this bead aids in achieving better focus, enhanced concentration, and goal attainment.

Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for Protection

One of the key benefits of the Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for protection is its ability to shield the wearer from negative energies, harmful influences, and spiritual attacks. It creates a protective aura, ensuring safety and peace of mind.

Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for Anxiety and Depression

The Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh for anxiety and depression is known for its calming properties. It helps in balancing emotions, reducing stress, and promoting a positive mental state, making it a valuable aid for those facing mental health challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the significance of Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh?

The Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh symbolizes Lord Rudra, an aspect of Lord Shiva, and is known for its spiritual and protective qualities. It is considered highly auspicious for personal and spiritual growth.

2. How should I wear Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh?

It can be worn as a necklace or bracelet. It should be cleansed and energized before use. Recite the Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh mantra and perform a puja to activate its energies.

3. What are the benefits of wearing Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh?

The bead offers benefits such as spiritual growth, mental clarity, protection, success in business and career, and relief from anxiety and depression.

4. How can I verify if my Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh is authentic?

Authentic beads will have clear, well-defined faces and come with a certification of authenticity. Purchase from reputable sources to ensure you receive a genuine product.Book Vedic reports

5. Where can I buy a genuine Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh?

Purchase from certified spiritual stores or reputable online platforms. Ensure the seller provides a certificate of authenticity for the bead.

6. What is the price range for Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh?

Prices can vary based on size, authenticity, and origin, ranging from a few thousand to several lakhs of rupees.

7. Can Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh help with anxiety and depression?

Yes, it has calming effects that help reduce anxiety, stress, and depression, promoting mental peace and emotional stability.

8. Is Eleven-Mukhi Rudraksh beneficial for students?

Yes, it enhances focus, concentration, and memory, making it beneficial for academic performance and study efficiency.