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2025 Beej Mantra of all Nine planets (Navagraha) – नौ ग्रहों के बीज मन्त्र
Promotes the longevity | बीज मंत्र से करें कुंडली में ग्रहों को बलवान.
"सूर्य मन्त्र"
"Sun Mantra Aum hraan hreen hron seh Suryay Namah"
"*This mantra should be chanted for 7000 times within 40 days ( Minimum 21 Days)"
"चंद्र मन्त्र "
"Moon Mantra Aum Shran Shrin Shron seh Chandraye Namah"
"This mantra should be chanted for 11000 times within 40 days"
"मंगल मन्त्र"
"Mars Mantra Aum Kran Krin Kron seh Bhaumaaye Namah"
"*This mantra should be chanted for 10000 times within 40 days"
"बुध मन्त्र"
"Budh Mantra Aum Bran Brin Bron seh Budhaye Namah"
"*This mantra should be chanted for 9000 times within 40 days "
"गुरु मन्त्र"
"Jupiter (Guru) Mantra Aum Gran Grin Gron seh Guruve Namah"
"*This mantra should be chanted for 19000 times within 40 days"
"शुक्र मंत्र"
"Venus (Shukra) Mantra Aum Dran Drin Dron Seh Shukraye Namah"
"*This mantra should be chanted for 16000 times within 40 days"
"शनि मन्त्र"
"Saturn (Shani) Mantra Aum Pram Prim Pron seh Shanicharaye Namah"
"*This mantra should be chanted for 23000 times within 40 days "
"राहू मन्त्र "
"Rahu Mantra Aum Bhran Bhrin Bhron seh Rahve Namah"
"*This mantra should be chanted for 18000 times within 40 days "
"केतु मन्त्र "
"Ketu Mantra Aum Sran Srin Sron seh Ketve Namah"
"*This mantra should be chanted for 17000 times within 40 days "
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Please note Vedic solutions,remedies,mantra & Planetry positions are mentioned by Ancient Sages in Veda and it is same everywhere hence no one have sole proprietorship on these.Any one free to use the content.We have compiled the contents from different Indian scripture, consisting of the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda, which codified the ideas and practices of Vedic religion and laid down the basis of classical Hinduism with the sources,books,websites and blogs so that everyone can know the vedic science. If you have any issues with the content on this website do let us write on