In Numerology, a Lo Shu Grid represents numbers and the impact of these numbers alongside missing numbers. If you wish to know what a Lo Shu Grid is, then here's your answer: it is a chart having squares representing numbers from one to nine, fixed elements, direction, and a planet. This grid is vital in understanding the impact of numbers over colours, situations, and even body parts. To get your Lo Shu Grid, enter your details in our FREE Online Lo Shu Grid Calculator and get accurate results!
Lo shu grid is a square-shaped grid with 3 rows and 3 columns. 1 to 9 numbers are placed in the 3 rows and 3 columns of the Loso grid. Numbers are arranged in such a way that by adding any three numbers: horizontally, vertically or diagonally, the sum equals “15.” Lo shu grid is also known as Magic or Sacred Square in Chinese Numerology. Read More..
Enter birth date, birth month, and year of birth to get your Lo Shu Grid chart.
This is the topmost horizontal line of the birth chart. The Mind Plane represents the innate thinking capacity of an individual. It reflects the powers of memory, intellect, analyzing capability, and thought.It relates to career and communication. Check Free Mind Plane Calculator
The middle horizontal line of the birth chart is the emotional or the soul plane.It relates to love and marriage of someone's life.The second horizontal line of the grid is the soul plane. It denotes feelings, love, emotions, and spiritual inclination. The plane also represents intuitive powers of a person. Check Emotional Will Practical Calculator
The bottom horizontal line of the birth chart is the practical plane. This plane represents practical abilities, organizational skills, materialistic abilities, verbal expression and the ability to do physical specially with one’s hand. Check Free Mind Practical Calculator
This is known as ‘The Line or Plane of Thought’. It reflects the ability of a person to think about new ideas. It also reflects the person’s love of order and method. This plane is therefore even referred to as ‘The Plane of the Planner’. Check Free Thought Practical Calculator
This is called ‘The Line of Plane of Determination and Will’. This vertical row reflects a person’s determination and will to succeed. It also shows a person’s patience and persistence in realizing his goals.It describes humanity and ambitions. Check Free Will Practical Calculator
This is called ‘The Line of Plane of Action’. It revolves around the individual’s ability to put his ideas and ability in action and execute them. This plane is therefore also known as The Plane of Action or The Plane of Activity. Check Action Will Practical Calculator