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What is Grahana Dosha | Puja

Grahana Dosha is an astrological term that refers to the conjunction of the Sun or Moon with Rahu or Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets that are not visible to the naked eye. They are said to be the heads and tails of a serpent that was cut in half by Vishnu. Grahana Dosha is said to cause a variety of problems in the native's life, including: 🥀Financial problems 🥀Health problems 🥀Relationship problems 🥀Career problems 🥀Legal problems 🥀Accidents 🥀Misfortune

The effects of Grahana Dosha can vary depending on the individual's astrological chart and the specific placement of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, and Ketu

How Planets Alignment Creates Grahana Dosha

Grahan is Sanskrit for the term eclipse. When Rahu or Ketu, shadow planets known as Chaya Grahas, are in close conjunction with the Sun or Moon at the time of your birth, or if you were born during an eclipse, you incur Grahana Dosha. Grahana Dosha will appear in the birth chart of a newborn when in the birth chart of the native (during the Lagna period), the Sun or Moon is in the same house as Rahu or Ketu. 🐜Poorna Surya Grahana Dosha- when the Sun and Rahu share a sign 🐜Poorna Chandra Grahana Dosha- when the Moon and Rahu share a sign 🐜Partial Surya Grahana Dosha- when the Sun and Ketu share a sign 🐜Partial Chandra Grahana Dosha- when the Moon and Ketu share a sign

How Grahana Dosha Can Impact You:

🐜Delayed marriage 🐜Conflicts in marriage and unstable relationships 🐜Challenges during pregnancy 🐜Losses or failure in business 🐜Inconsistent career with no growth opportunities 🐜Uncertain future 🐜Pressure at the workplace and no peace at home 🐜Decline in reputation 🐜Feeling a sense of solitude 🐜Face frequent health issues

How do Different Houses React to this Yoga?

The effects of Grahana Doshal Yoga can vary depending on the house where it occurs in a person’s birth chart. Here are some of the effects of Grahana Dosha Yoga in different houses:

First House:

Grahana Dosha in the first house can bring immense wealth, fame, and spiritual growth. However, it can also make a person arrogant and egoistic.

Second House:

Grahana Dosha in the second house can bring financial gains and success in business. However, it can also create misunderstandings and conflicts in family and relationships.

Third House:

Grahana Dosha in the third house can bring success in communication and writing. However, it can also create misunderstandings with siblings and close relatives.

Fourth House:

Grahana Dosha in the fourth house can bring success in real estate and property-related matters. However, it can also create conflicts with mother and family members.

Fifth House:

Grahana Dosha in the fifth house can bring success in education and creative fields. However, it can also create conflicts in romantic relationships and childbirth-related matters.

Sixth House:

Grahana Dosha in the sixth house can bring success in litigation and disputes. However, it can also create health-related problems and enemies.

Seventh House:

Grahana Dosha in the seventh house can bring success in business partnerships and marriage. However, it can also create misunderstandings and conflicts with spouse and business partners.

Eighth House:

Grahana Dosha in the eighth house can bring success in research and occult fields. However, it can also create financial and legal problems.

Ninth House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the ninth house can bring success in higher education and foreign travel. However, it can also create conflicts with father and religious beliefs.

Tenth House:

Grahana Dosha in the tenth house can bring success in career and profession. However, it can also create conflicts with authority figures and the government.

Eleventh House:

Grahana Dosha in the eleventh house can bring success in social networks and friends. However, it can also create conflicts with elder siblings and friends.

Twelfth House:

Grahana Dosha in the twelfth house can bring success in spirituality and foreign travel. However, it can also create financial and legal problems and health-related issues.

Remedies of Grahana Dosha

Home Remedies for Surya Grahana Dosha

🏵️Chant Gayatri Mantra 108 times daily at sunrise, especially on Sundays. Offer Argya (water oblation from a copper vessel) to the Sun daily in the morning while chanting the Gayatri mantra. 🏵️Donate jaggery to priestly people for seven consecutive Sundays during a good time (Muhurta). 🏵️Consult an astrologer and see if you can wear Ruby or keep Surya Yantra at home 🏵️Pray to Vishnu daily by chanting his mantras since Sun is said to be an aspect of Vishnu, and his avatars come from the Sun’s lineage. 🏵️If you have Surya Grahana Dosha, drinking water from a copper vessel is recommended. 🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️ 🏵️Home Remedies for Chandra Grahana Dosha 🏵️Chant Moon Mantras like ‘Om Somaaya Namaha’ or ‘Om Chandraaya Namaha’ 108 times a day, especially on Mondays. 🏵️Donate milk for four consecutive Mondays during a good time (Muhurta). 🏵️Consult an astrologer and see if you can wear Pearl or if you can keep a Chandra Yantra at home. 🏵️Pray to Shiva daily by chanting his mantras since Shiva is said to have rescued the Moon from a curse. 🏵️You can also drink milk from a silver cup mixed with honey and turmeric, especially on Purnima (Full Moon) night.


🍂Having this Dosha can be troublesome in anybody’s life. It can make life miserable and makes it inevitable to cure or remove this. It is essential first to identify that you have this Dosha. For that, you have to consult a knowledgeable and experienced astrologer, who can help you analyze your Kundali, identify the Dosha in it, and guide you to get rid of all those Dosha. Talk to astrologers to know more about Vish Yoga.