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Guru Chandal Dosha | Puja

Guru Chandal Dosha is an astrological condition that occurs when the planet Jupiter (Guru) is in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu (also known as the North Node and South Node of the Moon) in a person’s birth chart or horoscope. It is also known as Chandal Yog. In Vedic astrology, this combination is considered to be highly inauspicious as it can create a lot of negative energy and obstacles in a person’s life. People who have Guru Chandal Dosha in their horoscope are believed to face several challenges in their lives, such as financial problems, health issues, and relationship problems. 🍂Communication problems:Professional and academic graphs of the person having this Dosha can be steeply downwards. 🍂Trust issues: May have trust issues, which can make it difficult to have a healthy relationship. 🍂Jealousy and possessiveness: May be prone to jealousy and possessiveness, which can also damage relationships. 🍂Lack of commitment:May be hesitant to commit to a relationship, which can make it difficult to build a lasting bond with a partner. Having Guru Chandal Dosha can be very destructive in one’s life.

Guru Chandal Yoga is a unique astrological combination that can bring both positive and negative effects to one’s life. In Vedic astrology, Guru or Jupiter is considered the planet of wisdom, wealth, and fortune, while Rahu and Ketu are known as shadow planets. The combination of Guru and Rahu or Ketu is known as Guru Chandal Yoga. It is believed that this combination can create challenging and complex situations in one’s life.

Effects of Guru Chandal Dosha

Professional and academic graphs of the person having this Dosha can be steeply downwards. 🐜There can be constant fear and risk of unemployment. 🐜This can lead to indecisiveness in life’s important matters. 🐜Financial crunches can become a part of life. 🐜There can be a high amount of disharmony within the family, clashes, fights, and especially rift in the father-son relationships. 🐜The constant fight against medical ailments, which can be chronic too sometimes. Persistent medical problems can lead to the breakdown of a person’s morale and patience. 🐜When indecisiveness and urgency for taking decisions coincide, it, many times, leads to making the wrong decision. This can prove to be dangerous and unhealthy. 🐜The attitude of the person having this Dosha becomes stubborn and self-centered. He is not able to gel with anybody and it affects the teamwork concept. 🐜The adverse effect of Guru Chandal Dosha can also lead to criminal offenses, resulting in lawful punishments. 🐜Family disputes over ancestral properties cannot be resolved. 🐜It refrains a person from having a good hold on a particular field in terms of expertise, which blocks him to become different from others professionally.

The Story Behind Guru Chandal Yoga:

According to Hindu mythology, there was a demon named Rahu who disguised himself as a god and consumed the nectar of immortality during the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan). However, before the nectar could reach his throat, Lord Vishnu, one of the three supreme gods in Hinduism, cut off his head. But since Rahu had already consumed the nectar, his head became immortal and continued to live. This immortal head is known as Rahu, and the immortal body is known as Ketu.

In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu are considered shadow planets, and their position in a person’s birth chart can have a significant impact on their life. When Rahu is placed in conjunction with Jupiter, it creates the Guru Chandal Yoga. This combination is believed to be powerful and can lead to both positive and negative effects.

How do Different Houses React to this Yoga?

The effects of Guru Chandal Yoga can vary depending on the house where it occurs in a person’s birth chart. Here are some of the effects of Guru Chandal Yoga in different houses:

First House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the first house can bring immense wealth, fame, and spiritual growth. However, it can also make a person arrogant and egoistic.

Second House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the second house can bring financial gains and success in business. However, it can also create misunderstandings and conflicts in family and relationships.

Third House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the third house can bring success in communication and writing. However, it can also create misunderstandings with siblings and close relatives.

Fourth House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the fourth house can bring success in real estate and property-related matters. However, it can also create conflicts with mother and family members.

Fifth House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the fifth house can bring success in education and creative fields. However, it can also create conflicts in romantic relationships and childbirth-related matters.

Sixth House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the sixth house can bring success in litigation and disputes. However, it can also create health-related problems and enemies.

Seventh House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the seventh house can bring success in business partnerships and marriage. However, it can also create misunderstandings and conflicts with spouse and business partners.

Eighth House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the eighth house can bring success in research and occult fields. However, it can also create financial and legal problems.

Ninth House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the ninth house can bring success in higher education and foreign travel. However, it can also create conflicts with father and religious beliefs.

Tenth House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the tenth house can bring success in career and profession. However, it can also create conflicts with authority figures and the government.

Eleventh House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the eleventh house can bring success in social networks and friends. However, it can also create conflicts with elder siblings and friends.

Twelfth House:

Guru Chandal Yoga in the twelfth house can bring success in spirituality and foreign travel. However, it can also create financial and legal problems and health-related issues.

In conclusion, Guru Chandal Yoga is an astrological combination that occurs when Rahu is placed in conjunction with Jupiter in a person’s birth chart. It can bring both positive and negative effects, depending on its placement and the house where it occurs. Individuals with this yoga can perform certain rituals or remedies to mitigate its negative effects. Guru Chandal Yoga is a significant aspect of Vedic astrology and can have a profound impact on an individual’s life.

Remedies of Guru Chandal Dosha

Looking at the ferocious effects of the Guru Chandal Dosha, it becomes inevitable to get rid of it. There are a few remedies that can help us nullify the effect of this Dosha. They are:

  • The blessings of your Guru can help you reduce or remove the effects of Guru Chandal Dosha. Choose your Guru wisely and his advice and blessings will do wonders.

  • Daily Jaap of Gayatri Mantra 108 times will help in reducing the effect.

  • A Mala made of Tulsi, if worn, can prevent you from getting pulled towards the wrong paths. And hence, will reduce the effects of this Dosha.

  • Keeping a yellow-colored cloth with you always can be termed as a prayer to Jupiter, as Jupiter is worshipped through yellow color.

  • Lord of Jupiter is Lord Vishnu and their suspicious day is Thursday. Worshipping Lord Vishnu on Thursdays and giving Chana and jaggery in daana to Gaay Maata and needy people can help get a positive impact of Guru Chandal Dosha.

  • Perform the Chandal Dosha Nivaran Pooja.

  • Wearing a Guru Yantra as a pendant along with Rudraksha can be helpful in this task.

  • Doing Jaap of Vishnu Sahasranaamavali will prove to be effective for some.

  • Meditation and Jaap of Brahaspati Mantra also help in this.


🍂Having Guru Chandal Dosha can be troublesome in anybody’s life. It can make life miserable and makes it inevitable to cure or remove this. It is essential first to identify that you have Guru Chandal Dosha. For that, you have to consult a knowledgeable and experienced astrologer, who can help you analyze your Kundali, identify the Dosha in it, and guide you to get rid of all those Dosha. Talk to astrologers to know more about Vish Yoga.